We have provided you some quick and easy to perform arm exercises for pregnant women. These exercises would keep your upper body in shape and you would also derive immense comfort while doing them. Read ahead…
It’s important for you to stay fit and agile during your gestation period. It’s normal to put on weight when you are pregnant due to changes in hormonal levels in your body. Doing arm exercises is one way to keep your body healthy and prevent gaining excessive weight in your upper body. Your hands, shoulders and back also remain toned which adds a proper shape to your body. Moreover, the movement of your baby is also enhanced when you do the mild exercises.
Before letting you know the exercises, we shall give you some tips that would be useful for you. If you are into lifting heavy weights, then you should curtail the pounds. Lifting 5 pounds with each hand is safe. Balance yourself well and provide adequate support to your body especially when you are in your second and third trimester. Drink plenty of water before and after doing the exercises to keep your system hydrated.
Bicep Curls
As the name suggests, bicep curls are meant for toning your upper body. If you are acquainted with bicep curls, then you can continue it during pregnancy. However, keep the weights moderately less. Lift dumbbells of five pounds everyday and carry out the exercise thrice a week. Sit on a chair or position your body against a wall while lifting the weights from the ground. Stretch your arms fully and then fold your arms at your elbow for lifting the weights. This exercise when performed regularly would not only tone your biceps but would also relax your shoulders.
Tricep Exercises
This is comparatively a little tough, nevertheless, they are safe for a pregnant woman when done carefully. Since you will be lifting a single dumbbell with both hands, you can increase the weight to 8 pounds. Sit on a chair and lift the dumbbell vertically. Bring the weights gradually behind your head and keep your elbows bent while maintaining the posture. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then put the weights slowly on the ground. Since you are rotating your hands with the weight, your neck muscles also get stretched. Tricep exercises when combined with bicep curls help in toning your arms completely.
Lateral Raises
Lateral raises are very easy to perform. Your arms, neck and shoulders are intensely relaxed when you lift weights laterally. Maintaining the position and balancing your body are some important factors that your should take care of. So how would you do this exercise. You can lift dumbbells of 5 pounds with each hand. Extend your hips a little backward and bend your legs slightly at your knees. Grab the dumbbells tightly with your palm and fortify your wrist. Raise your arms sideways till your shoulder level. Then rest it back, parallel to your body. This entire procedure completes one round. Repeat the same till you are comfortable doing it. You can do this in front of a mirror to maintain the posture of your elbow lateral to your shoulders.
Flying Arm Exercise
You can maintain versatile posture to do this exercise. Women who do it for the purpose of flexing their back as well as hands, lie down while doing the exercise. Lie on your back over an exercise mattress and lift the dumbbells with both the hands. Stretch your arms sideways while bending it at your elbows. Now gradually bend your arms and bring your hand on the front of your face. The moves are a little different when you stand while doing the exercises. Keep your hands on your side, holding the dumbbells. Now stretch your arms completely sideways and relax your body. This is actually known as the flying pose. Bring your arms down and stand erect once again.
These were some of the most useful arm exercises for pregnant women. If you haven’t exercised before, then you should do it under the guidance of a fitness trainer to be on the safe side. You will gradually notice the difference in your health after doing the arm exercises. Stay energetic, fit and healthy in this important phase of your life with these simple prenatal exercises.