Treating blocked fallopian tubes can help rectify the problems that are caused due to this condition, a major one being infertility in women. This article discusses a number of treatment options available for this condition.
Fallopian tubes are an essential part of the female reproductive system. They play an important role in transferring mature eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. These tubes are located on both sides of the uterus. A blockage in the tubes would prevent the transfer of the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, and will hence, lead to various female reproductive health-related problems. One of the major problems that the blockage can cause is infertility also known as tubular factor infertility. The blockage can occur in one or both the fallopian tubes and the treatment also largely depends upon this. Here’s some more information on that aspect and how it affects the different processes of the reproductive system.
The symptoms can be determined by the effect that it has on the various reproductive system processes like ovulation, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle. An irregularity or problem in any of these processes is what indicates a blocked fallopian tube. The condition can be diagnosed using tests procedures like exploratory laparoscopic surgery, hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and ultrasound. The symptoms are as follows:
One of the major causes of irregular ovulation is a blocked fallopian tube. This type of irregularity in ovulation is also a major cause of difficulty in getting pregnant.
Blockages can cause irregular periods, scanty or no periods at all as the egg released by the ovaries fails to travel beyond the blocked fallopian tube. Irregular menstruation can be a big hurdle when trying to get pregnant. Severe abdominal pain during periods is also an important symptom of this condition.
A blockage in one of the fallopian tubes can make conception difficult while a blockage in both the tubes can totally rule out any chance of pregnancy. It also increases the chances of having an ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy.
A blockage in the fallopian tubes can be caused due to pelvic inflammatory disease, a previous ectopic pregnancy that causes tubular scarring, tubal ligation procedures, endometriosis, uterine infections, peritonitis, and surgeries involving the fallopian tube or the organs of the female reproductive system. The most common type of blocked fallopian tube condition is known as hydrosalpinx, wherein the fallopian tubes get dilated and fluid or pus fills in it.
There are a number of treatment options that can be used to treat and cure the condition so that the chances of pregnancy improves. They are:
This treatment method is adopted in case the fallopian tubes are blocked due to hydrosalpinx. The procedure involves creating a new opening in the area of the fallopian tube that lies closest to the ovaries. Reblocking of the tube can occur due to the scarring of the tube.
Tubal Reanastomosis
This treatment procedure is adopted to repair the fallopian tube that has been damaged as an effect of a disease. The procedure involves the removal of the damaged part of the tube and joining of the two healthy ends of the tube through an abdominal incision.
This treatment procedure is adopted to treat a blocked fallopian tube, wherein the blockage occurs in the area of the tube that is closest to the ovaries due to scarring. It involves rebuilding the fringed ends of the tube.
This is a treatment procedure that involves the removal of the fallopian tubes that are affected by hydrosalpinx. This is done to better the chances of success of IVF procedures.
Selective Tubal Cannulation
This treatment procedure is used to treat fallopian tube blockage in areas that lie close to the uterus. The procedure involves inserting a cannula or catheter through the cervix into the fallopian tube.
So, these were some of the treatment options. It is advisable to discuss the treatment procedure with your doctor before opting for one. You should also follow all measures required for successful treatment of the condition.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.