Bonding with your baby in the womb is one of the most special memories which you will treasure your entire life, specially if it’s your first child. The following article will give you some helpful tips to bond with your baby in the womb during your pregnancy. Make the most of this moment!
For a mother, bonding with her child is one of the most important aspects of her life. Even when the child grows up to an adult, the bonding continues. This bonding starts from the first day of pregnancy. The day a woman understands she’s expecting, her life changes forever and starts revolving completely around the life inside her. There are many special moments awaiting you in your pregnancy – the first time you see your baby, the first time you hear the heartbeats and the first time you feel it moving. All the moments help you more in bonding with your baby.
In the earlier days, a woman did speak to her unborn child but today, bonding has gained an altogether different meaning, for the good of course. All of us know that babies respond to some type of food. You might feel nauseated after the consumption of certain foods while some foods might give you a heavenly satisfaction. During your pregnancy, your baby plays an equally important part in deciding what you should and shouldn’t eat. In a way, the baby is trying to bond with you too. Let’s now proceed to how you can bond with your baby and how you can increase this response from your unborn child.
Tips for Bonding with Your Unborn Child
Prenatal bonding plays a very important part in the development of the baby in the womb. Your baby’s moments in the womb are subconsciously the first moments of life and you need to make them beautiful, don’t you? Bonding with your baby in the womb with the help of these simple steps will surely aid you and your baby form a connection that is special and unbreakable in the years to come.
- The first thing you consciously need to remember is that even if your baby is inside you, he/she is right there with you. Your baby is present with you at every single place you go and in every single thought you think, your constant companion for the next 9 months. From now on, your baby is going to share every single minute of your life with you. Make sure every minute is worthwhile for the baby to live.
- Continuously talk to your baby about anything and everything. Ask if he/she is fine and whether he/she’s feeling alright. After a few days, your baby will start understanding and recognizing your voice. The ears develop in the 16th week of pregnancy and your baby can hear everything you say along with sounds coming from the things around. Talk to your baby everyday before you fall asleep.
- Once you start talking to your baby, wait for a few days and then start reading out stories to him/her. Talk in a rhythm and talk to your baby every night before you sleep. Your baby will remember your voice as a symbol of warmth and comfort. It will prove to be a signal that the baby is secure and safe inside you. If you feel that your baby is upset about something, calm your baby down with your voice, it works!
- If you have a favorite song which is soft on the ears, make your baby listen to it too. Make sure the volume is really low as you might scare your baby. If your baby hears this song throughout your pregnancy, the unborn life growing within you will remember it even after birth. This song might be a reminder everyday that he/she is fine and safe and that nothing has changed. Music can do wonders in the process of creating a perfect environment for your baby to grow.
- Bonding with your baby in the womb is not complete if the father does not participate in it. Ask your husband to talk to your child every night before sleeping. This can be your family moment together. The concept of a family can be implemented right in the beginning so that the concept of belonging remains throughout the years to come. If you have another child, make him/her talk to your baby as well. Bonding needs to be done with every member of the family.
- Your baby needs constant acknowledgment while in the womb and you need to remember this always. Acknowledgment tells the baby what he/she’s doing is right and the baby can continue doing it. This can be certain movements or any kind of response that you might feel. You can also write letters to your child which can be a wonderful gift in growing years. The good part is that when you write letters, you talk to your baby indirectly. More the talking, the better bonding there will be.
You might wonder why bonding with your baby in the womb has become so important in the recent years. The reason for this is simple. A baby in the womb is as good as one after birth. Teaching your baby in the womb will only make him/her more active and more intelligent. Prenatal stimulation can do wonders to the baby’s growth. Your baby’s brain development increases when he/she responds. The more a baby responds, the better the development. On second thoughts, bonding doesn’t need reasons, does it?!