Women who are diagnosed with borderline diabetes during pregnancy should not take this pre-diabetic condition lightly as it can lead to gestational diabetes and may result in complications. Know more about this health condition in this HerHaleness article.
Researches show that gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops when a woman is pregnant, affects approximately 14% of all pregnant women. It is a condition which can cause many complications during pregnancy such as a difficult and painful labor, the need for a C-section to deliver the child, development of health conditions like hypertension, possibility of the unborn child turning a diabetic or an obese later in life. That’s why, if you have been diagnosed with borderline diabetes, which is a pre-diabetic condition, you should start taking measures to ensure that it does not further develops to become gestational diabetes or leads to any of the pregnancy complications mentioned before.
How to Control Borderline Diabetes
Gestational diabetes can be defined as a condition in which the pancreas are unable to produce the right amount of insulin owing to the woman’s pregnancy. This leads to high blood sugar levels in the pregnant woman as the amount of insulin required to manage the glucose levels in her body is not produced. Borderline diabetes is a condition in which the pregnant woman’s fasting blood sugar level is anywhere between 100 to 125 mg/dL. A pregnant woman with this condition may or may not exhibit the diabetes symptoms. When diagnosed, borderline diabetes should be immediately controlled by following a proper diet and exercising regularly. Some of the possible complications are – neurological complications in the newborn, fractures and brittle bones in the child, development of pre-eclampsia in the mother leading to C-section and even stillbirth.
To prevent these complications, a diet, which is rich in high fiber fruits and vegetables and low in high sugar foods, should be consumed by the pregnant woman. All dark green vegetables, spinach, carrots, peppers, broccoli and romaine are healthy food choices in this condition. Carbohydrates should be avoided, however, eating whole grains is recommended. Foods that are rich in proteins, such as meats, nuts, fish, eggs and beans, are another must have. As fats are necessary for the development of the child’s brain, good fats such as those found in olive oil should be taken. At the same time, unhealthy fats found in butter, cheese and bacon should be avoided. For meeting the pregnant woman’s calcium requirements, low fat and sugar-free milk and yogurt are good choices. Go for fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid packaged/canned foods.
Prenatal vitamins and supplements that consist of a large amount of vitamin C and E help in keeping borderline diabetes from developing into gestational diabetes. Eating foods rich in these vitamins is advised for women who are restricted from taking prenatal vitamins due to health reasons. Consulting a doctor for a proper borderline diabetics diet is recommended. The doctor will advise the dietary changes that the pregnant woman has to make to prevent the blood sugar levels from going up. In some cases, where the changes in diet do not yield much result, the doctor may prescribe some medications. A pregnant woman with borderline diabetic condition should take these medications regularly to improve her health condition.
Along with taking a controlled, healthy diet, she should perform exercises every day. However, these exercises should be safe and always performed under the supervision of an obstetrician. As stress and anxiety can increase the blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman, so she should undertake stress management activities like meditation and breathing exercises, on a daily basis too.
As there are no visible symptoms, it is recommended that a pregnant woman at a risk of diabetes, gets her blood checked regularly. By being aware and following the recommended diet, medication and exercise regimen, a pregnant woman can reverse the progress of borderline diabetes to gestational diabetes.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.