Foam or bubbles in urine during one’s period can be caused due to a number of reasons and can also be an indication of some abnormality in the body. Through this article we will discuss the reasons for noticing bubbles in urine…
Passing bubbly urine during menstruation or on any other normal day can trigger a sense of panic in many women. Having bubbles in urine during periods once in a while or occasionally is considered to be normal phenomenon. Most of the time, some women may tend to put it off as something usual which may go away after a while. Though true, it is essential to closely observe any changes in the body, for any sign of abnormality. However, if this condition of passing cloudy urine is persistent or is accompanied by pain and discomfort while urinating, then it should be brought to the notice of a health care provider, who will diagnose the problem and administer treatment for the same.
Causes of Bubbly Urine During a Menstrual Cycle
There are a number of reasons why women may experience foamy urine during their menstrual cycle. Some women may undergo this change in the first two days, whereas some may notice this condition continuing for the rest of the cycle and even after that.
Here are some of the causes of frothy urine during a period.
- Dehydration is one of the main reasons for passing foamy or frothy urine during menstruation. Inadequacy of water in the body can also make the urine more concentrated, making it appear amber in color and also make it become bubbly. Urinating with a lot of pressure may also be a reason for frothy urine.
- Another potential cause of bubbles in urine during the menstrual cycle is the presence of urinary tract infection (UTI) caused due to bacterial infestation. Bubbles in urine is one of the signs that you may have been affected by this bacterial infection. Due to this the urine may appear cloudy and at times, traces of blood may also be passed.
- A vesicocolic fistula is yet another possible cause for noticing bubbly urine during a period. The fistula is caused due to an abnormality in the connection between the colon and the urinary bladder. It can result in the accumulation of fluid below the skin’s surface, a condition referred to as edema. This can be an indication of the growth of tumors or Crohn’s disease.
- The main function of the urinary system is to eliminate wastes and toxins from the body through urine. Hence it is natural to find traces of protein, calcium and other minerals in the urine. But at times, there may be an excess amount of protein in the urine, leading to proteinuria. This urinary system disorder may arise when the glomeruli in the kidneys are unable to filter the urine properly and protein gets built up in the urine, and as a result the capillaries may get inflamed and damaged in the long run. This abnormally high level of protein in the urine may cause it to become bubbly, which is the reaction of protein after coming in contact with air.
Treating Bubbly Urine
Though not always a matter of grave concern, persistent bubbles in your urine mean that there may be something wrong with your body system. For exact analysis of the condition, it is advisable to consult a health care provider who may prescribe medication. Drinking plenty of water and fluids is one of the best ways to fight dehydration and keep the body replenished always. For infections, the physician may prescribe antibiotics to control it and also treat any inflammation in the urinary tract. In case of proteinuria and other conditions, the medical practitioner may administer treatment to relieve the symptoms.
Going for a routine urinalysis (urine test) is a productive measure towards diagnosing any problems related to the urinary system in the early phase. Hope you found this short write-up on bubbles in urine during a period helpful and informative. Take care!