Bleeding is very common during pregnancy. This article talks about the causes of cramping accompanied by implantation bleeding.
Implantation bleeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy, experienced by about a third of pregnant women. It is the spotting or discharge of blood that occurs after about 6-12 days, following the fertilization of the egg.
Symptoms of implantation include tiredness, tenderness in breasts, and stomach bloating. Sometimes, cramping is also experienced, in about twenty to thirty percent of women.
Implantation Cramps
Cramping that occurs during implantation, goes away on its own within a few months of the pregnancy. However, in some women, it is seen that the cramps last until the delivery of the child.
As mentioned above, implantation in a woman occurs almost a week after fertilization. Post fertilization, the egg implants itself in the lining of the uterus known as endometrial lining. Endometrial lining is rich in blood and nutrients. So, when the fertilized egg gets implanted in it, a small amount of blood comes out of the body, through the vagina. This discharge of blood is what is termed as implantation bleeding, and is often accompanied by mild cramping.
However, this does not confirm a pregnancy. Pregnancy should be confirmed only if other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, tender breasts, mood swings, headache, fatigue, craving for specific food items, and raised basal body temperature are also present. A woman should take a pregnancy test, about three days following the bleeding to confirm a pregnancy.
Cramps are very common during pregnancy. They may be experienced by a woman, even without bleeding. After the fertilization, when the egg implants itself in the uterus, the muscles of the uterus contract. This contraction may result in cramping in some women, with or without the bleeding.
» Ectopic Pregnancy
Cramping and bleeding during implantation, are very mild. However, if a woman experiences severe cramping or excessive bleeding, it could be an early symptom of ectopic pregnancy. Besides these, other symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are pelvic pain, weakness, blood clotting, pain in shoulders, and dizziness. Such a pregnancy, in most cases, occurs in the fallopian tube, instead of the uterus. However, it is known to have occurred in the abdomen, cervix, and the ovary as well. This is a very serious condition, and a gynecologist should be consulted immediately for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
» Miscarriage
If the cramping occurs after the pregnancy has been confirmed, then it could be a miscarriage.
» Ovarian Cysts
The symptoms could be due to ovarian cysts, which get formed in a woman’s ovary during the process of ovulation. These cysts sometimes leak and rupture, causing heavy vaginal bleeding, in between the menstrual cycle, and is often mistaken for implantation.
Though cramping and bleeding are very normal conditions during early pregnancy, yet any kind of blood discharge, especially, if pregnancy is not confirmed, should not be overlooked. It is very important to seek immediate medical advice in such a case.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.