Cramps ad nauseam are a fact that pregnant women have to live through their 9-month tenure. Cramping, especially, during the second trimester, is often the case with moms-to-be.
Pregnancy is an essential phase of life that women all over the globe go through. Expectant mothers are waiting for the D-Day to arrive when they will see their pudding, well, in flesh and blood. All the agony, anxiety and astral thoughts are sidelined after the baby has made its way into the world. One is ought to forget the troubles that one had to endure during those nine months that felt like ages. Nausea, headaches, cravings, cramping and false alarms have been some pointers of pregnancy. Out of these, enduring cramps is the most annoying. The onset of cramping is during the initial stages of pregnancy which continues its course through the second and the third trimester. Women who have conceived for the first time are anxious about the changes and the pain that they endure. It is a natural tendency for women to get perturbed. They are eager to know the reason behind every little change that they undergo.
Causes of Cramping in Second Trimester
Cramping may be considered synonymous with pregnancy; however its benignity is not a given. You have to consult a doctor for the cramps that you have been facing. One may conclude that cramping during pregnancy is prevalent, but why to endure any risk when you know that there is life at the end of the tunnel waiting to enter into the world. There can be various causes of cramping.
☥ Baby’s Weight
It is during the second trimester that the baby grows and gains weight. During this period, as the baby grows, the muscles and ligatures of the abdomen are stretched and are undergoing change in order to accommodate the baby.
☥ Constipation and Heartburn
Cramps during second trimester of pregnancy may be caused due to constipation that pregnant women go through. It is during pregnancy, that women develop acidity, pain and constipation and the like of such digestion troubles that may lead to cramps of the abdomen. These contractions can be very painful and may also escalate to the chest with greater intensity culminating into severe heartburn.
☥ Pre-term Labor
Cramps in this period could be an indication of pre-term labor. Mild cramping accompanied with diarrhea, lower back pain and discomfort are the signals of labor prior to the estimated delivery date. It can be curbed if this symptom is reported to your consultant Doctor immediately.
☥ Miscarriage
If you are having heavy bleeding and cramping — a situation that resembles your menstrual cycle — it could be a miscarriage. Do not wait for the bleeding to stop on its own. The faster you are to get to the doctor’s clinic or contact him, the better it is for you; as they will be able to help you deal with the situation.
☥ Braxton Hicks Contractions
These are contractions that occur during the second trimester. They are not like the cramps that are caused due to pre-term labor; they sustain only for a few minutes and may signal a false alarm. They are painful, however they deliver discomfort in abundance.
Remedies to Control Cramps during the Second Trimester
If you are well into your second trimester and endure cramps now and then, here are some remedies that may prove helpful.
✔ If you have leg cramps, soak your feet in a tub filled with warm water. You will feel the relief immediately.
✔ Have a hot water bath before you go off to bed. This will help you in having an undisturbed sleep and will reduce the sensations of cramps.
✔ Avoid standing for too long. Place yourself comfortably for some time on the couch.
✔ Have a healthy diet. Make sure that you do not consume spicy food and aerated drinks in excess. They are the prime instigators of gas and acidity.
✔ Eat well at the right time and in the right quantity. If you are eating your meals in a hurry, you are bound to suffer from constipation.
✔ Drink juices in abundance and consume plenty of water. It keeps you well hydrated and reduces cramps and contractions.
✔ Placing a hot water bottle for a brief period on the site that is affected by cramps can serve to be of great help and provide sumptuous relief.
✔ Consult your doctor on the issue of indulging in mild exercises every day. Make sure to ask him and take a detailed description on the type of exercise you must undertake.
Cramping during pregnancy should not be avoided as this is a crucial stage. One must abide by all the precautions. Consulting the doctor at the right time can save you from agony and anxiety. Don’t let it build up in you, the doctor will help you sail through the situation with ease.