Donating plasma is a very simple method, and can also be used for making some money. For those who are thinking of donating plasma, here is some useful information.
People have a misconception that donating plasma is a very difficult procedure and involves lot of complications. But the truth is that it is a very simple process. If you are thinking about doing this, you are helping the sick and injured, in addition to aiding medical research. Moreover, you also have the option of earning some cash. Donating plasma in exchange for money is a common occurrence in today’s world.
What Is Blood Plasma?
Plasma is the liquid part of the blood, which is of a yellowish color, and comprises proteins, antibodies, endocrines, and some coagulation factors. Its primary purpose is to carry significant essentials like hormones and vitamins throughout the human body. It can easily be regenerated by the body in a very less amount of time, and hence, can be donated even as many as two times a week.
Requirements for Donating
There are certain requirements that you need to meet if you are thinking of donating blood plasma. You are required to be in the 18 – 65 age group, have a weight of minimum 110 lbs, and possess good physical health and wellness. You might possibly be prohibited if you have a piercing or a tattoo done within the last year, or have particular risk factors for HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis. Some donation centers would not allow you to donate if they find that you carry a family history of cancer.
Where Can it Be Donated?
You need to find a certified plasma donation center in your locality. Not all facilities provide a cash compensation, so be sure to confirm the same beforehand. You can find licensed plasma donation centers through listings on the web or in the yellow pages. Such facilities are administered and controlled by commercial institutions or the government. Every individual facility carries out their operations and procedures in their own manner, but are required to comply with the rules and ordinances of the government. The plasma that is accumulated from donors might be provided directly to patients for treatment or may be given to clinical research companies.
Why Are Plasma Donations Paid For?
The answer is that, it is paid for its several uses which contribute widely in the medical field. The donation facility may utilize the plasma for various purposes such as to preclude infections, treat burn injuries, treat bleeder’s disease, make medicines to forestall staph infections in neonates, create treatments for diseases that attack the immune system, treat newborn infants whose blood type is not matching to the mothers’, and deal with pulmonary emphysema. Blood plasma is an awesomely helpful substance, which is why, quite a few centers are willing to pay for it.
How Much Is Paid?
A container of plasma could fetch anything from $20 to $30, and also depends on the facility which you are donating it to. There are few centers which may even offer incentive schemes. To induce people to donate twice a week, the facilities can offer you $20 for the first time, and $30 for the second, instead of $25 each time. You may also be paid more if you give a friend’s reference who is interested in donating. Nowadays, there are many students who are considering plasma donation as a remunerative social activity. The donation facilities might offer extra benefits to people who may have been immunized, or soldiers who have been vaccinated with anthrax vaccinations.
Donation Process in Brief
Before the commencement of the actual process, you are required to be screened and undergo a ‘mini-physical’, that involves ascertaining the iron and blood sugar level, heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol level, blood heat, etc. The actual process includes removing blood from the body and separation of blood cells from the plasma. At certain periods of time during the process, the blood will be put back in the body. This complete process is called ‘plasmapheresis’, and requires approximately an hour.
When it comes to plasma donation, you need to keep your body well hydrated a day before undergoing the process. For enabling efficient regeneration of plasma, you need to drink lots of fluids for a few days after the procedure.