Estrogens are one of the two major classes of the female hormones. They have widespread effects on the tissues of the body. Conjugated estrogens are used to replace the short supply of this hormone in the body. This article provides information on the conjugated cream along with its side effects.
Estrogen is a female hormone which is produced by the body to develop and maintain the reproductive organs. This hormone also increases a normal clear discharge and makes the vulva and urethra healthy. When the body is in short supply of this hormone, replacing it can ease the uncomfortable changes that occur in the vagina, vulva, and urethra. Due to the health risks, women are now discouraged from using the long-term hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). Instead low-dose vaginal estrogen is recommended. This product is used vaginally at a very low dose, for treating local problems of the genitals and urinary system. However, this does not have the ability to protect against osteoporosis or to stop the hot flushes, caused due to menopause. This product can be purchased only with your doctor’s prescription. It is available in the following forms:
- Tablet
- Cream
- Ring
Using the conjugated form of this hormone:
- Helps maintain the muscle tone of the vagina and urethra.
- Reduces vaginal dryness, irritation, and pain.
- Reduces the urinary tract irritation and the tendency towards infection.
This is not a conventional cream that can be applied profusely as per your wish. It is available in the market as a drug therapy. The label usually includes the directions, thus use only as directed. The 3 most important estrogens present in females are estriol, estradiol, and estrone, which are essentially the main components of this product. They work by getting absorbed in the skin and the bloodstream easily, thereby facilitating the elevation of the hormone levels.
Side Effects
Though this product is highly useful, it has its share of side effects that cannot be overlooked. Given below are common side effects:
- Increases the risk of uterine cancer characterized by vaginal bleeding, even after menopause
- Increases the risk of heart attacks, heart diseases, and strokes
- Increases the risk of blood clots
- Increases the risk of breast cancer
- Increases the risk of dementia when used with progestins
- Headache
- Infections
- Abdominal pain and back pain
- Accidental injuries
- Increases the risk of vaginitis
There are many trustworthy pharmaceutical shops which provide varieties of this product. Ensure that you use natural progesterone creams made from human or plant estrogen, and avoid a product in which the hormone values vary significantly.
This product should be avoided during a sexual intercourse, as a male sexual partner who is regularly exposed to this product can develop enlarged breasts. The use of this cream in lowest dose can prevent the contraindications. Consult the doctor, if you observe any of the aforementioned side effects and whenever you are in doubt.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.