Morning sickness in the first trimester is a common experience among pregnant women all over the world. This article will give you complete information on the causes of this condition as well as the treatment measures that will help in reducing the nausea and vomiting during the initial months of pregnancy.
The news of pregnancy surely brings a wave of joy to the soon to be parents, especially to the mother. However, the morning sickness that accompanies it can make one feel irritated and tired. It is a feeling of nausea often associated with vomiting in women, who are pregnant. Though the term suggests that it is something that occurs in the morning, it is usually not so. It is called so because the feeling of nausea and vomiting is highest in the morning and reduces by the end of the day. However, there are women who have to endure this discomfort throughout the day.
The problem of nausea and vomiting is prominent during the first trimester i.e., during the first three months of pregnancy. Although, most women feel better after the first few months, there are some who have to experience this discomfort throughout their pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce this sickening feeling with the help of some natural methods. Let us first look at the causes of this mild but annoying health problem experienced by pregnant women.
Studies have shown that almost 80% pregnant women suffer from the feeling of nausea accompanied by vomiting during the first trimester. It usually begins somewhere between the fourth and the sixth week after the last period and is seen as the very first symptom of pregnancy. The main reason for the occurrence of this sickness is attributed to hormonal changes that happen in the body during pregnancy.
One of the hormones that is associated with nausea and vomiting is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is said to increase considerably during pregnancy. Increase in the secretion of hormones called progesterone and estrogen can also lead to the problem of morning sickness. Moreover, some women become sensitive towards certain types of foods (even those that they loved), which can trigger the feeling of nausea and vomiting.
Apart from these two feelings, a pregnant woman may have to experience lightheadedness, weakness, headaches, etc. Severe cases of morning sickness is often associated with the conception of twins or triplets, and it is also said that absence of this sickness can increase the risk of miscarriage. However, there have been many cases where women had healthy pregnancy without enduring the discomfort caused by the feeling of nausea.
As consuming drugs or medications is not advisable, most women have to bear the uneasiness caused by it. Moreover, too much of vomiting can cause dehydration and weight loss, which is not good for the health of the fetus. However, there are several methods, which may help to relieve a pregnant woman from the discomfort caused due to the sickness. As these remedies are natural, there is no fear that it may cause any side effect to the mother or the baby. Nevertheless, one important thing to remember is that, the effects of the following remedies may vary from one woman to another. Hence, one will have to try different methods to find relief and at the same time, consult the health care professional for more help.
One of the best ways to treat the problem of morning sickness, is to change one’s diet. Most of us have the habit of eating three heavy meals, which has to be stopped. Instead, the expectant mother should eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day. It is also recommended that pregnant women should eat all types of foods, however, if nausea and vomiting occur due to some types of foods, it is better to avoid them completely. During the first trimester, women should also avoid spicy and fried foods as these foods may aggravate the condition. Another way that many women have found effective, is consuming some snacks like biscuits, crackers, nuts, etc. just before getting up from the bed.
Ginger is said to be one of the oldest ways of treating nausea and vomiting. Many women find that consuming ginger does help in relieving them from the sickness. One has to consume at least one gram of ginger to find relief from the problem. Ginger can be consumed in the form of ginger biscuits, ginger tea, ginger capsules, etc.
Other Ways
Apart from the consumption of ginger and change in diet, there are other methods through which one can try to cure morning sickness. Some women have reported that they found reduction in the feeling of nausea accompanied with vomiting, after indulging in acupuncture during pregnancy. Even using acupressure bands that are readily available in the market, is said to be quite effective. Other than this, sniffing peppermint essential oil or consuming vitamin B6 supplements are considered good relief measures too.
The symptoms of nausea appearing in the first trimester go away after 14 weeks of pregnancy, though for some, it may extend for another month or so. However, if you think that no remedy is working for you and your condition is becoming very severe, it is best to consult a gynecologist, who can look into the matter in detail.