Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy is very important since your baby gets nutrition from the foods you consume. This article provides information regarding the same.
It is important to follow a nutritious and healthy diet regime to make sure that the baby has a trouble free journey into the world. This diet ensures proper development and growth of the unborn baby. A pregnant woman must consume 300 calories more than her regular diet.
Foods To Consume
A healthy diet during early pregnancy is yet another challenge considering the signs of morning sickness and cravings that you must be experiencing during the first trimester. Despite everything, a balanced diet must be maintained for the health of your baby. Following are the foods that must be a part of the daily diet of a pregnant woman.
High Fiber Diet
Include fiber-rich foods in your daily diet as they are the best source for all the requirements of your unborn baby. Foods such as whole wheat breads, whole grains, rice, cereals, raw fruits, green leafy vegetables, and cooked beans are rich in fiber. These foods are a great source of energy. Around 5-10 servings of high-fiber foods must be included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman. Meat, fish dairy, and poultry must be included in adequate quantities as well.
Calcium and Vitamins
Calcium rich foods and those high in vitamin and minerals should be included in the diet. Decent levels of vitamin D and folic acid must be maintained to avoid any complications during this period. Protein levels, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin C levels must be maintained by eating enough of fish, fruits, and vegetables. Iron-rich foods must be consumed to ensure healthy blood circulation. You may also opt for calcium and vitamin supplements on the doctor’s advice.
Distribution of Meals
There must be equal distribution of the meal into 5-6 mini meals rather than 3-4 whole meals. At least 3 servings of dairy products, 1200 mg of calcium, 27 mg of iron, 70 mg of vitamin C, and vitamin A (less than 1000 IU) must be consumed each day by the expecting mother. It is also important to consume at least 6 to 8 glasses of water everyday.
Foods to Avoid
There are certain foods that must be avoided during pregnancy since they might cause trouble to the health of the mother as well as the child. These foods include raw meat items, fish that are high in mercury levels, soft cheeses, and deli meats. These foods must be avoided as they may lead to food poisoning. Along with these food items, alcohol and smoking must be completely avoided in order to safeguard the health of the child and the mother-to-be. Stop drinking alcohol as it might lead to premature babies, mental retardation, and low birth weight in the newborn babies. Also minimize the daily caffeine intake to maximum 300 mg a day by controlling the intake of coffee, chocolates, and carbonated drinks.
A healthy diet is all that takes to ensure and safeguard a happy and healthy pregnancy. Therefore, it must be planned with proper consultation with the dietitian. Also, do not try to follow a diet for weight loss or any such purposes.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.