Progesterone is one of the most important hormones in a woman’s body. High progesterone levels are found specially after the ovulation cycle and pregnancy.
Progesterone is a hormone, which is produced by a woman’s ovary and is secreted after the ovulation period. This hormone prepares the woman’s body for conceiving a baby, but if the egg is left unfertilized, then it helps the body for the process of menstruation. These hormones are also helpful in maintaining the balance of estrogen level in the body. But any imbalance in the level of progesterone may result in some side effects. High progesterone levels may be caused due to many reasons and hence indicates the cause by itself.
Normal levels of this hormone in a woman’s body should be 8 to 10 ng/ml. Any amount more than this level is considered to be high. This hormone is responsible for the thickening of the uterus wall, which further supports the fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized, then the wall again comes to its normal position, and the process of menstruation is carried on. Sometimes, these hormones are given for the treatment of PMS syndrome, infertility, and pregnancy loss.
- Menopause: Menopause can be a reason behind this problem. It takes place at the age of about 52 years. Because of this, the levels fluctuate and either become too high or too low.
- Multiple Pregnancy: In multiple pregnancy the woman has more than one baby in her womb, like twins or triplets. Hence, to help the body to support this condition, this condition occurs. It’s normal and natural.
- Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: As we know, the levels increase at the time of ovulation; hence, before the menstruation cycle starts, fluctuations are observed. This condition is known as pre-menstrual syndrome. This may result in mood swings.
- Uterine Cancer: The estrogen progesterone treatment of uterine cancer may result in the higher level.
- Adrenal Hyperplasia: This is caused due to the abnormal functioning of the adrenal glands. Because of this, there is an excess production of sex hormone, which in turn results in a premenstrual condition, and further causes higher production of this hormone.
- Breasts usually become sensitive to touch.
- Menstrual bloating can be observed near the belly, in feet, fingers, ankles, etc.
- You may feel tired and fatigued.
- Mood swings are very common. This can be observed at the time of menstruation and is very prominently observed at the time of menopause.
- A person may lose interest in sex.
- There may be vaginal dryness, which may take you to discomfort at the time of sexual intercourse.
Usually, you can observe a high level in early pregnancy, menstruation cycle, and menopause. These are the natural conditions, and hence, the levels becomes normal once you overcome the condition. You can concentrate on healthy diet and can counterbalance by using some herbs, like dong quai, wild yams, macafem, etc. At the time of menopause, hormone therapy is very effective, which helps in the balancing the levels in the body. Apart from this, the last option is the progesterone replacement therapy, in which progesterone from a foreign source is incorporated in the body of a person.
Change in lifestyle can also help. Although it is a natural process, to avoid the side effects, you can take some measures. Try to avoid synthetic usage, as their high levels can take you to dangerous consequences.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.