Flatulence can be an embarrassing condition. However, changes in lifestyle and diet can help you get rid of the condition. Here are various simple yet effective ways to prevent flatulence.
With our hectic lifestyle, our diet and time are limited. Instead of eating a healthy diet we tend to rely more on packed food. Also, due to lack of time or motivation one doesn’t find any time for exercise. Diet and exercise are an important part of living healthy. If these two are compromised then many health problems can occur. Digestive system related problems due to these factors are very common. One of these problems is flatulence. Flatulence can be very awkward and the audible sounds due to the condition can only add up to the embarrassment. However, by following a healthier lifestyle you will not just get rid of flatulence, but also live to the optimum.
Ways to Prevent Flatulence
- First and foremost is to monitor your diet. Maintain a food diary. In the diary, each day note down what all foods you had throughout the day, and check how was your flatulence. After a couple of weeks or months of observation, you will be able to know which foods give you more flatulence and which don’t. This will help you to make changes in your diet and prevent flatulence.
- When you are eating, eat slowly and chew thoroughly. This will aid in digestion. Also, relax yourself for a minute or two and then start eating your meal. This will prevent you from swallowing air and thus decrease the gas amount.
- You can practice yoga or meditation to keep yourself relaxed throughout the day. Relaxation is necessary, as stress only makes the digestive system disorder worse.
- You can also take up on yoga as an exercise, or indulge in any physical activity like jogging or cycling. Keeping yourself fit will naturally help you aid in digestion and prevent flatulence.
- Eat small but frequent meals. Break down your meals into 4-5 small portions, rather than having one large meal and overloading your digestive system. Also, avoid stuffing food.
- After dinner or any heavy meal walk for 10 minutes. Avoiding water an hour before or after lunch or dinner is necessary, because water can dilute the digestive juices and make the digestion weaker. If you want to drink something, then have a hot tea like chamomile or green tea with your meal.
- Chamomile tea is a great way to soothe the stomach and aid digestion. You can keep having chamomile tea to aid digestion and also have it as a remedy to prevent cramps from bloating. Similarly, you can also have ginger tea.
- If you feel that there is too much gas then doing yoga can help. Lie down on the floor and then bend your knees and bring them close to your chest and hold them with both the arms. Keep holding for 20-30 seconds. Repeat if necessary.
- If you have too much of gas problem then avoid high-fiber foods or eat them in moderation. Avoid eating beans and cabbage.
- Also, certain habits tend to increase gas in the body. So, avoid having carbonated beverages, chewing gum and using a straw.
- Certain spices can help keep flatulence at bay. You can add coriander, turmeric, fennel seeds, cloves, cardamom and rosemary to various recipes. This will help you make the food which is friendly for the stomach.
- If you have eaten too much of spicy food, and know that it will trigger flatulence, then you can take over the counter medication to control it. You can ask at a drugstore for non-prescription type of medication which contains simethicone.
So, try to stick to as many healthy habits as you can. Soon, you will see that your digestive health has recovered, and you don’t have to go through the awkward condition of passing gas.