This winter, beat the cold by learning some tips on staying warm. They’re very simple and very effective too.
Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail. ~ Proverb
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. ~ Edith Sitwell
Such totally contradictory yet true statements, right? While the former literally spurns the blistering cold of winter, the latter welcomes it like a dear friend and as a time to make merry. Whichever of the quotes you believe in, it is always a good idea to know some easy tips and tricks to stay warm in the cold. Especially now, since the winters are getting longer, colder, and harsher. Given in this article are some pointers on how you can ensure that you and your loved ones remain warm.
Winter brings with it the opportunity to indulge in activities like ice-skating, skiing, and the like. But what’s the point of planning them if you can’t even manage to get out of your home? So, do the things mentioned below and you’ll be able to cope with the cold better.
Keeping Warm in the Cold
Take Precautions
First and foremost, before anything else, you need to be prepared to face the cold weather. And to be prepared you need to know exactly how cold it is going to be. For this, you need to keep your eyes and ears open. Check the weather reports in the newspapers, news channels, and on the radio. If there’s a storm coming in, stock up the home with essential commodities and be ready. Shut all the doors and windows and turn on the heating system to the desired temperature. Once you have an idea of how cold it’s going to be and for how long, you can prepare better.
Dress Appropriately
The next step is to know what kind of clothing you should dress in. Be careful about which fabric you choose to wear. Fabrics like silk, polyester and wool are excellent choices. They act as perfect insulators and keep you warm. Avoid tight fitting clothes as these will take away the warmth from your body. The looser the clothes, the warmer they are. And remember not to wear cotton. It is probably the worst conductor of heat.
Given below is a list of items that you need to wear in order to be protected from head to toe against the rough cold.
- Beanies
- Scarves
- Coats, Jackets, Sweaters
- Gloves, Mittens
- Socks
- Boots
Eat and Drink Well
In case of a power outage or a heater malfunction, ensure that your diet consists of food items that will help to increase and maintain your body temperature at a level higher than the air temperature. For this you can try out nuts, soups, porridge, warm milk, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, etc. These foods will keep you warm indoors and outdoors as well. If you’re going outside the house for some reason for a long duration, be sure to carry a thermos that will hold warm beverages.
Remain Clean
We all feel extremely lazy in winter. We dread getting out of the blanket and making that long and cold trip to the bathroom to have a bath. If you want to stay warm, then this is one of the most important things you can do. Bathe everyday without fail. This will improve the blood circulation in your body and you will feel warm. Cleaning your system from within is also important. Drink adequate water, so that you have frequent visits to the toilet. These visits cleanse your body from the inside and make you feel warm.
Last but not the least, and probably the most difficult thing to convince anyone to do on a freezing winter day is exercise! Yes, the more you stay in one place, the more your blood begins to cool down and lower your body temperature. The more exercise you give your body, the more exercise your blood gets. In turn, the circulation increases, fresh blood reaches all parts of the body and you feel warm, refreshed, and rejuvenated.
These are simple, everyday things that you need to do in order to have a warm and wonderful winter. Follow them and drive your winter blues away!