This article provides some information on the side effects of hysterectomy and how an individual can obtain weight loss after having undergone this surgery.
Just as the time when women start menstruating is rather tumultuous and uncomfortable initially, so is the period when they are approaching menopause. That stage is a very delicate and treacherous stage for women, sometimes even worse than when they begin menstruating. During menopause, a huge upheaval begins in a woman’s body. One can say that sometimes in such situations the female hormones go amiss. Problems like extremely long periods and heavy bleeding can result in this stage. This, in some cases may lead to hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is the removal of the female sex organs. Menopausal problems is one of the reasons why it is done. There are many other reasons behind this surgery. However, one should also be aware that there are many after effects of this surgery.
Side Effects
A number of unpleasant and discomforting side effects of hysterectomy have to be endured by women, as there is a lot of shuffling in the level of hormones and change in metabolism.
Weight Gain
Weight gain is very common amongst the side effects of this surgery. Weight loss is not a common occurrence after this surgical procedure. Reduced activity levels because of the surgery and even a certain impact on the psyche (depression, feeling of missing something vital to being a ‘woman’) leads to weight gain.
Hot Flashes
Due to the hormonal imbalance, women may experience hot flashes. These hot flashes can be extremely annoying and irritating. It may sometimes be embarrassing when others feel cold and you are feeling really hot.
Hair Loss
Hair loss is another side effect, which is particularly disturbing and putting off for women. This is because losing hair is directly connected with estrogen.
Maximum people experience fatigue post surgery. It is the most long-lasting of the after effects of this surgery and very common. Along with this, depression is experienced by women after going through the surgery. The hormones, after undergoing this surgical procedure, fluctuate and that is the reason for the psychological effects.
Weight gain is one of the major side effects of this surgery and loss of weight occurs, though rarely. So then, first controlling the weight and then taking steps towards losing it is the best bet. That will be good for maintenance of your overall health post surgery too.
Weight loss after Hysterectomy
Exercising is vital to staying fit and healthy, if you have undergone this surgery or not. However, exercise after hysterectomy is evermore important. It would help get your metabolism back on track. That will again help in keeping tabs on your weight and coping with the side effects better. Cardiovascular and strength training exercises are very important post surgery. Partial side effects, too, can be dealt well with exercising.
Watch What You Eat
Unfortunately, you might have to avoid the consumption of certain food that you like, such as sweets. As in order to lose weight, keeping a check on your diet would be crucial. Low fat, more of fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins, and a balanced diet is the key. To tackle weight gain after this surgery through diet, consulting a nutritionist might prove beneficial.
Introspection and Meditation
Just as physical health is important, keeping your mind relaxed and calm is essential. So, meditation will help you relax and look at the things objectively.
Hormonal Replacement
Hormone replacement therapy can be opted for to deal with the aforementioned side effects and keep weight gain in check. However, it should be opted for only after consultation with the doctor and on thinking twice about it. This is because after all it is not a natural method of dealing with these side effects.
Eventually, the issue of weight loss post surgery has to be dealt with carefully and with patience. As the body goes through a lot on account of the reasons of hysterectomy and post the surgery. So, hysterectomy surgery recovery would take time. However, you can start following the aforementioned ways slowly once you are well on course of recovery. Exercises though, you will have to take them a little slow and will come later. The condition would get better, only that it would take time.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.