Impending menstruation symptoms are signs that are seen in fertile and non-pregnant women before and during the menstruation cycle. Commonly reported symptoms are change in appetite, stomach problems, bloating, acne eruptions, and mood swings. Here is more on this…
Menstruation is a monthly cycle lasting five or more days which every fertile, non pregnant women passes through. While many of them have no significant medical problems, they experience these symptoms. The severity of such conditions may differ from one woman to another. With the onset of the symptoms, a woman can predict that her period is nearing.
What is Impending Menstruation
These symptoms are nothing but the physical as well as emotional changes experienced before the actual menstrual cycle begins. Generally termed as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), these symptoms are manifested several days prior to the cycle.
The Symptoms
They resolve gradually with the onset of the menstrual cycle. Paleness and change in skin appearance are common in the PMS symptoms list. Besides these, there are a range of bodily changes brought about by it. Most of these medical conditions are physical, while a few are related to the mental state.
Menstrual Pain
Medically referred to as primary dysmenorrhea, menstrual cramp is a common complaint amongst teenagers and young women. Pain is felt 1-2 days before the period and continues till the middle of the cycle. In some women, the intensity of pain may be so severe that their normal routine gets disturbed.
Bloating and Water Retention
Water retention is another pronounced sign of impending menstruation. Bloating can be observed easily, e.g., as you wake up early in the morning, just before the period, you see your finger ring become tighter.
Breast Tenderness
Slight swelling and increased sensitivity of the breasts is also witnessed. Just like early pregnancy symptoms, the breasts may become fuller and sensitive to touch as the period date nears. In addition to breast tenderness, a few women complain of generalized pain in the breasts before their menstruation begins.
Acne Outbreaks
Needless to say, the main cause for acne eruption is hormonal change. In some women whose period is supposed to start in the next few days, small pimples or acne pop up on the face. This is a common example of hormone triggered acne outbreak. In such cases, applying topical creams can help.
Stomach Upset
Abdominal discomfort and stomach upset are notable symptoms. At times, they are accompanied with nausea and dizziness. In many cases, they are very disturbing, and some women develop the habit of using over-the-counter medications.
Appetite Changes
It is characterized by craving for specific food items before the period. However, other women may have the opposite effect, and experience general loss of appetite. Either way, change in appetite is an indicator.
Increased Fatigue
This is a general symptom manifested during menstruation, particularly because of blood flow and other bodily changes. Nevertheless, some women feel low stamina levels and weakness, even before the start of their periods. On the other hand, increased energy level and insomnia are observed in other women.
Mood Swings
Since menstruation has lots to do with the hormones in the body, mood swings are predictable. Just before the start of the period and during the cycle, women tend to get irritated very soon, without any apparent reason. Also, they remain emotional during these days of the month.
Following a balanced diet with healthy foods, mild exercises, and drinking ample amounts of water are some useful tips to stay comfortable before and during menstruation.