In today’s unsafe world, pepper spray is the most reliable agent that a woman can carry with her for self-defense. Manufacturers have come up with a unique and easy-to-carry form of traditional pepper spray by packaging it to look like a lipstick.
The streets are no longer safe for women traveling alone. Physical abuse, eve teasing, robbery attempts, abduction, and rape have become rampant in urban areas. It is not possible for every woman to learn some form of martial art. Many times, attacks take place in places like movie theaters, restaurants, and taxis. Thus, a quick and easy-to-escape strategy becomes extremely necessary. The best way is to reach for a can of pepper spray and spray it on the face of the attacker.
Since normal canisters can be tedious to carry and whip out in a jiffy, manufacturers have introduced an innovative solution; packaging the deadly agent to resemble the innocuous lipstick bottle.
What is Pepper Spray Made of?
This spray is made from chemicals that are naturally found in hot cayenne peppers. The active ingredient is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC). This chemical is suspended in a water or oil base. The best sprays are mostly oil-based emulsions. One can fire the spray multiple times from a distance of 8 to 20 feet depending on the model purchased. Many have an invisible UV marker which helps the police identify the attacker.
When this non-lethal weapon is sprayed directly on the face, it causes the eye capillaries to dilate to a point of temporary blindness. There is swelling in the bronchial tissues and temporary paralysis of the larynx that causes difficulty in breathing. The effects can last for about 20 to 90 minutes, giving ample time for the victim to escape.
Legal terms about the purchase differ from state to state. While most states legally allow anyone over the age of 18 years to purchase pepper sprays, some states have laws, where they can be purchased from authorized dealers only. Many states even require registration. There are also restrictions on the amount and number of sprays one can buy. By law it is required that these cans have proper safety catches, so that they are not sprayed unintentionally.
The Best Option
The best spray should have 10% concentration of OC. The minimum heat rating should be 2 million SHU. These factors help in having the desired effect on the attacker.
Many manufactures offer lipstick pepper sprays in different colors that look sleek and are easily camouflaged by their looks. They can easily disable an attacker without causing any permanent damage. There has been some criticism about this form of packaging saying that when a woman is in a tough spot, it may be difficult for her to whip out that tiny tube from her bag.
A bottle of this deadly spray, in any packaged form, keeps you ready when you are facing danger. This worthwhile investment will not only help save your life, but teach a painful lesson to the offender too.