Magnesium deficiency in women can lead to some difficult health conditions like hypercalcemia, depression, anxiety, etc. This article will help you realize if your body is deficient in this important mineral and tell you what you can do about it.
At some point in our lives, all of us undermine the importance of minerals and nutrients in our body. One such mineral that can become conspicuous only by its deficiency is magnesium. Doctors all over the world stress the importance of magnesium in our body at every platform they get. It is ultimately the duty of a person to realize the value of this nutrient and help the body by feeding it with magnesium-rich foods on a regular basis. The consequences of a low-magnesium diet may become evident only after a while. But that does not mean that the symptoms of magnesium deficiency don’t begin to manifest themselves at the numerous chances they get. This HerHaleness article has some information regarding the symptoms that women exhibit if they are magnesium-deficient. Let us delve further into it and also see what can be done to better this condition.
Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
The symptoms experienced by men and women are almost the same, with only a few gender-specific exceptions. Given below are some of the general symptoms of deficiency of magnesium in the body, exhibited by women in specific.
PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome occurs just before the monthly menses. Not many know that the various reactions that we experience within our body before we begin menstruating are caused due to the deficiency of magnesium. We conveniently blame our mood swings, physical changes and other such reactions on hormonal imbalances. But what we do not know is that a majority of these imbalances are caused due to the low level of magnesium in the body.
Low Energy
Post menopausal women generally fall prey to this symptom of magnesium deficiency. Menopause brings with it an array of physical and psychological changes in the body of a woman. In addition to these changes, if a woman is magnesium-deficient, she will find it difficult to carry on her daily activities for the simple reason that magnesium is required for the process of absorption and transportation of energy throughout the body. When a woman has less magnesium, the body cannot absorb enough energy, the level of oxygen required for activities increases, which results in the reduction of energy levels in the body.
It is said that migraine is linked with low level of magnesium in the body. Migraines are recurrent headaches that can prove to be very agonizing and can sometimes last for days on end. The degree of the migraine may vary from person to person depending on his lifestyle. But magnesium deficiency is considered to be one of the possible reasons for this condition.
Dysmenorrhea is not an uncommon condition during a woman’s menses. Simply put, a painful period is called dysmenorrhea. Painful menstruation is characterized by strong muscle cramps and abdominal pulls. This is sometimes due to the deficiency of the nutrient magnesium. As mentioned earlier, magnesium helps in the relaxation of muscles. Generally, menses bring with them muscle cramps. But since the body does not have enough magnesium in it, it cannot relax the muscles, which in turn gives rise to the pain.
The hormonal imbalances that a low level of magnesium are responsible for, if not checked in time, can lead to severe problems later in the life of a woman. There are studies that have shown that low magnesium in the body is also responsible for grave conditions like infertility, sudden infant death syndrome, premature contractions, pregnancy-induced hypertension, etc. Hence, it is important to check the level of magnesium in the body.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Another symptom that can affect a lot of people is sensitivity to different chemicals. This means that the body develops allergic reactions to many chemicals, most of them even commonly used ones like fuel, perfumes and other highly volatile chemicals. This condition manifests itself because the level of enzymes that control these reactions drops. Magnesium helps in the functioning of these enzymes, so a reduction in the level of magnesium results in the reduction in the level of enzymes.
There are many other symptoms that women experience which have been listed below.
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Hypercalcemia
- Insomnia
- Osteoporosis
- Tingling Sensation in Limbs
Importance of Magnesium in the Body
- To begin with, magnesium is the catalyst that helps various chemical reactions facilitate smooth functioning of the various organs, systems and processes in our body.
- Magnesium is also responsible for the transportation of energy throughout the body.
- It assists in digestion and food absorption processes by combining with the enzymes that control these processes.
- Another important work that magnesium does is the communication of the various electrical signals that need to be sent from the brain to the organs and vice versa.
- Magnesium, together with calcium, is also responsible for the contraction and relaxation of muscles in the body. Calcium oversees the contraction and magnesium oversees the relaxation.
- It is also responsible for the creation of RNA and DNA in the blood.
Magnesium deficiency, especially in women, can lead to various health issues if not checked in time. Hence, it is important to ensure that you follow a magnesium-rich diet. This includes green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole grain foods, oysters, etc. Apart from these, you can also go for magnesium supplements that will reinforce the body with their magnesium dosage, but after consulting your doctor. Take good care of your health by ensuring a simple yet regular intake of this important nutrient.