Cramps experienced during pregnancy are similar to those occurring at the time of menstruation. We have explained you the causes behind such cramps over here.
Your body undergoes several changes both internally and externally when you are pregnant. You get cramps in your abdomen, back, and legs and they are similar to those experienced during periods. Such type of cramps are bound to occur when you are pregnant and treatment is not required unless some unusual symptoms are evident. We have explained you the most probable reasons behind menstrual cramps during pregnancy.
Cramping During Early Pregnancy
Menstrual cramps during early pregnancy, i.e. during the first four months can occur due to the following reasons.
Stretching of Uterus
The uterus stretches and expands during early pregnancy to accommodate your baby and provide sufficient space for his growth. The ligaments supporting the uterus expand and this causes mild cramps in the abdomen.
Implantation Cramping
Implantation of the embryo occurs after one week of ovulation. This pain is also similar to that happening during periods and is experienced in the first 8-10 days of implantation. Cramping is caused when the embryo burrows into the uterine lining.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition that causes abdominal pain and cramping in one side of the body. Bleeding and spotting are noticed. When you observe these symptoms seek immediate medical help.
Constipation and Gas
Women suffering from constipation and gas during pregnancy succumb to abdominal cramps and pain quite often. Gastrointestinal disorder also give rise to backache and pelvic cramps.
Bleeding and spotting can be signs of miscarriage. It is accompanied by heavy abdominal cramps and rhythmic pain in the lower body. You must immediately go for a medical check up under such circumstances.
Cramping During Late Pregnancy
Cramping after the first trimester can be attributed to the following reasons.
Braxton Hicks Contractions
These are irregular and intermittent contractions occurring during late pregnancy. This is usually experienced in the third trimester due to stretching and relaxing of the uterus. Doctors say that such kind of cramping make you aware of the labor pain. The cramping is irregular and it is often called false labor.
Preterm Labor
Cramping in back and abdomen could also be an indication of preterm labor. You may also experience diarrhea and extreme fatigue in your body.
Round Ligament Pain
Round ligament pain is experienced during second and third trimester. Mild cramping occurs due to stretching of ligaments and uterine muscles.
Cramping in legs is often experienced due to lack of essential minerals and vitamins in the body. The muscles of the legs cramp when they are unable to relax or if they are dehydrated. The pain could be debilitating, intense and might affect your sleep. Thus, it is important to drink plenty of water and have a mineral rich diet. Iron, calcium, and phosphorous are essential during pregnancy.
Treating Cramping in Pregnancy
You must be extremely careful about your body movements during pregnancy. Avoid quick and prompt position changes. Do not put too much strain on your back. Try to bend slowly on your back to get relief from the pain. In case you are suffering from gas, go for mild exercises and brisk walk. You can also have the typical pregnancy massages done on your body from a professional.
When to Call a Doctor
If you notice sudden abdominal tenderness along with heavy bleeding, vaginal discharge, and blood clots, then rush to your doctor at once. This is because they are possible signs of a miscarriage. Severe stabbing pain in lower abdomen similar to appendicitis pain and preceded by bleeding can result from rupture of the fallopian tube. Check with your doctor if you are having food poisoning or urinary tract infection. Pre-eclampsia and kidney infection also give rise to abdominal pain and cramps. If you observe these symptoms, then you must immediately go for a medical check up.
You should not confirm anything wrong without undergoing a proper diagnosis. To end on a positive note, enjoy your pregnancy days, stay energetic and wait eagerly for your bundle of joy.
Disclaimer: This article is intended for information purpose only. Do not use the information presented herein as a substitute for medical practitioner’s advice.