Menstrual spotting is a common problem and there can be many causes for it. This article provides some information on the same.
Most women experience the problem of menstrual spotting at some point of time or other. Although it is quite common, this condition should not be ignored as it could lead to the possibility of some underlying diseases. If bleeding occurs at a time other than during your periods, it is known as menstrual spotting.
Spotting that occurs mid-cycle or twelve to fifteen days before the start of the next cycle is quite normal. During ovulation, estrogen level rises, leading to the expulsion of the uterus lining, which shows up as menstrual spotting. Keep a track of your menstrual cycle if you experience menstrual spotting.
Some of the common causes of spotting are as follows:
- Hormonal imbalance
- Use of birth control pills
- Pregnancy
- Thyroid disorders
- Stress
- Cervical cancer
- Dysplasia
- Side effects of medications
- Vaginal dryness
- Miscarriage
One of the main causes of menstrual spotting is hormonal imbalance. Women who use oral contraceptives might experience spotting due to change in the hormonal balance that is caused by these pills. Oral contraceptive pills may cause decrease in the level of estrogen in the middle of your menstrual cycle leading to spotting. If spotting is caused by taking birth control pills, you can consult your gynecologist to switch to a low-dosage birth control pill or seek alternate methods of birth control.
If you have just started taking birth control pills, your body might require some time to get acclimatized to them, and you might experience light menstrual spotting. It might also be the result of missing your pills because the irregular use of birth control pills causes fluctuation in the hormonal balance of the body. If you are using intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCD) as a method of birth control you are very likely to experience spotting before menstrual cycle.
Pregnancy may be one of the reasons for this condition. If you had an intercourse around the time of your periods you might experience some amount of menstrual spotting instead of your regular periods. Even though some women do not get their periods during pregnancy, some women are prone to spotting during the first and second month of pregnancy. It is thus important to consult a gynecologist in case you experience menstrual cycle spotting.
One of the symptoms of dysplasia is menstrual spotting. Dysplasia is characterized by the appearance of abnormal cells on the cervix. If left untreated for long, dysplasia can lead to cervical cancer.
If you are affected by any infection in the cervix or vagina, you may experience menstrual spotting. Any changes in vaginal odor or discharge with swelling, itchiness or burning sensation might point to a vaginal infection. It is very important to seek medical attention in such cases.
Some medications can delay your menstruation or cause menstrual spotting. This is a rare cause. It might be caused by blood thinning medication ibuprofen, aspirin, etc. High levels of insulin or hyperthyroidism might also cause menstrual spotting.
Cervical polyps that occur mostly during pregnancy can also cause this condition. They are small, soft growths that occur on the cervix and are generally benign. It can be detected by a cervical examination or a pap smear test. A surgical procedure is required to remove cervical polyps.
In very rare cases, menstrual spotting might also be a symptom of cervical cancer. You should always consult a doctor when affected by menstrual spotting, in order to rule out the possibility of major diseases like cancer.
As mentioned above, there are various causes of menstrual cycle spotting. In most cases the symptoms are not serious, but if it is accompanied by severe pelvic pain, then you should consult a doctor without any delay.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.