Labor pain is indeed severe. However, some natural pain relief techniques during labor will go a long way in helping women bear the pain. Let’s see what these relief measures are, that one can take.
Through all the nine months of your pregnancy, your gynecologist and obstetrician must have given you tips for natural pain relief. Now is the time to think about natural pain relief during labor. If you are expecting, and you see signs of going into labor, it is important, that you be well informed about the methods and techniques during labor, to deal with pain. There are a variety of natural pain management techniques, which help deal with pain through the birthing process. The most important technique is to listen to your body throughout. Your body will give you cues, which will prove to be helpful.
Natural Pain Relief Techniques During Labor
There are a number of women, who opt for pain medications during labor or epidural during labor. However, there are a few natural and drug free options, which also include herbal pain relief, during labor. Let’s see what they are.
Applying Heat During Labor
This is one of the easiest labor pain management techniques. When heat is applied to tense muscles, it relaxes the muscles. The same idea can also be applied during labor as well. A warm wheat bag or a hot water bottle can be used to warm the back, tummy or the groin area. You will have to take care, that neither of the options is too warm to bear with. Like the warm wheat bags, which are available with paramedics, rice bags can also be used. A bag is recommended as it covers the entire lower back and, it is also easy to reheat.
Massage During Labor
This is a trick, which is often used during early labor. Massaging the lower back, thighs or hips during contractions is a good distraction and relief during labor pain. Using a massage oil is recommended. Aromatherapy oil is most preferred option, as it gives a calming effect. You can guide your partner, so that correct pressure is applied and at the right place.
Focus on Breathing
If you are able to concentrate on your breathing, you will be able to get through with each contraction with ease. One of the important aspect of breathing techniques during labor is to breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. When you are doing the breathing exercise, do not worry about how deeply are your breathing.
Rest in Early Labor Time
In early labor, it is better to conserve energy by resting, so that you can prepare yourself to cope with pain. You can either relax on the bed or on a reclining chair. Make sure the pose you are in, does not put undue pressure on your stomach.
Birthing In Water
Water birthing is becoming very popular these days for a number of reasons. One of the reasons this option is given precedence is because of pain relief. There are a number of dos and don’ts, which need to be followed, if birthing in water is what you are considering. You will have to talk about the same to your gynecologist and obstetrician. If you do not have a birthing pool, then you can also consider having a bath, which will help in easing tummy ache and backache.
A midwife is of immense help, when it comes to pain relief during labor. She is able to help you cope up with the contractions. Therefore, it is important, that you pay attention and follow her instructions. Along with all the above mentioned tips, the best natural pain relief option during labor is to keep calm and not stress with panic.