Natural progesterone cream is recommended as the first course of treatment for women suffering from progesterone deficiency. Let us know more about this progesterone supplement.
Progesterone is secreted by female ovaries in small amounts. Levels of progesterone start dropping as you enter the menopausal age. After menopause, the ovaries become dysfunctional and progesterone levels drop to zero. However, the same cannot be said about the other reproductive hormone, estrogen, which is secreted by the adrenal gland. After menopause, the levels of estrogen only decrease by small amounts as compared to progesterone. This creates a hormonal imbalance in the body. As progesterone performs various vital functions in the body, its absence may give rise to several health issues. This condition, also known as progesterone deficiency can be effectively treated using natural progesterone cream.
Human progesterone, along with estrogen, regulates the menstrual cycle in women. Progesterone is also secreted in very small amounts in men. The main function of progesterone in women is to create a conducive environment for conception and retaining pregnancy. Progesterone takes over estrogen during the luteal phase, when a mature egg has been released. Considering the possibility of fertilization of this egg, progesterone signals the uterus to thicken its endometrium so that the egg can implant itself in this tissue and blood enriched area. If no fertilization occurs, the endometrial lining is shed during a period. In case of successful implantation, progesterone nourishes and protects the developing fetus for up to 12 weeks, after which the placenta takes over.
When the body does not produce sufficient progesterone, a woman may fail to conceive in spite of successful fertilization. The reason is, the fertilized egg cannot implant itself onto a thin uterine lining, and is flushed away along with the menstrual flow. This condition can be easily avoided using natural progesterone cream. The cream is applied topically, hence gets absorbed in the skin. Progesterone absorption and release mechanism through skin is more natural. Within a few days, the body resumes its normal functioning. This cream is very useful in treating infertility problems such as those mentioned above. Menopausal women can keep cardiovascular and bone diseases at bay, which primarily originate from lack of progesterone.
Natural progesterone cream is manufactured from wild yam roots and other plant sources. The molecules of this form of progesterone is similar to human progesterone. Natural progesterone is not the same as progestin, which is synthetic progesterone manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. As a natural molecule cannot be patented, pharmaceutical companies cannot manufacture natural progesterone. It is to be applied topically for women soon after ovulation. The dosage, time and exact day should be consulted with a medical practitioner.
Side Effects
There are no side effects of natural progesterone as such, due to its natural origin. However, some undesirable effects can be experienced at the very beginning of the progesterone therapy. These include, nausea, sore breasts, greasy hair, bloating etc. The reason for this is that, initially, progesterone supplements activate the estrogen receptor sites in the body. This may bring about a temporary surge in already elevated estrogen levels. Your body may take some time to get used to progesterone supplied externally. The positive effects of progesterone supplements become evident after a couple of weeks. However, one must note that it is imperative to stick to the recommended use of progesterone cream. Exceeding the dosage amount may cause side effects such as dizziness, headache, swelling etc.
Thus, you can rely on natural progesterone cream for treating reproductive as well as menopausal problems. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) using progesterone can give a new lease of life to women in their menopausal age group.