Numbness during pregnancy is something that most expecting mothers usually undergo. This sensation is usually felt at the extremities of the digits. This article provides some information about the same.
As mentioned, almost all expecting mother’s experience numbness, but there are also a few who don’t. The women who do can feel their fingers going numb, which is again sometimes accompanied by tingling or a pins-and-needles feeling, to make the symptom worse. As bothersome as can be, it disappears on its own after the childbirth. So, there is nothing much to worry about, unless the symptoms do not persist even after the delivery. However, being abreast of the factors which causes the same, may provide help in dealing with the symptom before it takes on a worse form.
The main cause of a pregnant women experiencing numbness in fingers, according to what the experts say, is carpal tunnel syndrome. While this problem is generally caused by repetitive movements performed with the hand, it is also a common side effect of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the carpal tunnel (a passageway in the wrist through which nerves and the flexor muscles of the hands pass) swell and this is what causes the lack of sensation. Here, the pain is concentrated on the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger.
Furthermore, the sciatica nerve is associated with the numbness in the feet. This nerve runs down the lower back area right to the back of the legs and feet. During pregnancy, this nerve may get inflamed or injured.
Accompanying Symptoms
As you may have understood, numbness isn’t a condition in itself, but a symptom of other conditions like the carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica. This symptom may be accompanied by some other kinds, which may make the condition worse. These may include a tingling sensation which may occur at various places in the body, but mostly felt at the digits. A burning sensation may also be reported.
This problem may not be as pronounced as what sets in the second trimester. Although, it is a self-resolving one and disappears post delivery, mothers are still recommended to follow certain measures which would help them to reduce the intensity of numbness and other symptoms accompanying it. One of the recommendations is to follow exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome. Flexing the fingers frequently and going for short walks, help to ease off the pressure on the nerves thus, reducing the problem.
Also, while sleeping, it is a good idea to prop the hands on pillows, and so is taking up yoga classes. When it occurs while sleeping at night, hanging the affected hand over the side of the bed would aid in returning circulation. One should avoid sleeping on one’s side, as the body may exert pressure on the hand, aggravating the condition further. While working at the computer, an ergonomic keyboard is a better choice. Rolling the shoulders also helps.
As mentioned, this is not only a common symptom, but also a self-resolving one. Mothers are advised to get medical help if the symptom persists even after the delivery. They may have to use certain medications such as pain relieving anti-inflammatory medicines to deal with it. Cortisol injections are helpful to manage severe cases. However, if there is an occurrence of numbness in face during pregnancy, then there might be something more serious than what may appear. So, in such cases, a doctor’s visit would be the wise decision to take.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.