If you have been diagnosed with ovarian dermoid cyst and are wondering whether its removal will make you unable to conceive, then know about the symptoms, complications as well as the treatment options for the same.
Ovarian cysts can be described as the pouch like growths that occur on or inside the ovaries. These cysts are most of the time full of liquid or solid materials. Women in the age group of thirty to sixty are more prone to having ovarian cysts. In most cases they are non cancerous but sometimes they can be malignant too.
Ovarian dermoid cyst, also known as mature teratoma, is a non cancerous ovarian tumor, which is more commonly found in young women. Although dermoids are non cancerous, in some rare cases, they might develop into cancerous growths.
Dermoid cysts are very unusual in nature, in the sense that not only do they contain a thick liquid inside them, but they also have hair, teeth, cartilage, bone, thyroid tissues, sweat glands, muscle fibers and other such structures present in them. Dermoids can range in size anywhere between two to five inches.
It is very difficult to identify the presence of these cysts inside the ovaries as they do not produce any symptoms. Sometimes, though, dermoids may twist and cause extreme pain. Another case is that if the dermoids rupture, they can cause irritation in the pelvic and abdominal cavity. Dermoids in most cases are found when a woman goes for a routine pelvic examination. Dermoids cause enlargement of the ovaries, and are thus, identified when the pelvic area is thoroughly examined by the doctor.
When the dermoid cysts are found through the examination of the pelvic area by the doctor, to avoid complications such as the cyst turning cancerous or it getting ruptured, doctors generally recommend its removal.
The surgery is done in two ways, i.e. either by using laparoscopy or laparotomy. In Laparoscopy, small incisions, around the belly button of the woman, are made, through which camera and rod lens are inserted to conduct the surgery. Laparoscopy causes very less scarring as compared to laparotomy or open surgery, as very small incisions are made in this procedure. Also, the blood loss and pain, in comparison to the traditional surgery is much less. Recovery time for women, who have got their cysts removed through this procedure is lesser than the open surgery. If the cysts are very large in size, the doctors might recommend removal of the whole ovary through the surgery. Dermoid cysts, in many women, may be present in both the ovaries, if this is the case, and the cysts are very large too, then both the ovaries of the woman are removed surgically.
Ovarian dermoid cysts do not affect the fertility of the woman. After the surgery has been done, proper after care should be taken to avoid formation of scar tissues. Routine examinations by a doctor post surgery will help in identifying any such complications. Even if one or both the ovaries of a woman are removed through surgery, a woman can still continue to ovulate and get pregnant, as long as some part of normal ovarian tissue is left.