Sciatica stretches help women during pregnancy, when they suffer from strain on the lower back, hips, legs, etc. This article provides information regarding the same.
Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, which runs from the lower back through the buttocks, and down from the back of each leg to the feet. When this nerve gets compressed or injured, it gives rise to painful condition called sciatica. The common symptoms of this condition are numbness, tingling, and pain in one leg.
A number of pregnant women are affected by sciatica in the second or third trimesters of their pregnancy when the growing baby exerts pressure against the sciatic nerve. Hence, it is important maintain the correct posture and also perform the sciatica stretches during pregnancy. Along with the stretches for sciatica, a pregnant women will also have to follow certain sciatica treatment options, which have been designed to cater to the special needs of pregnant women.
Tips for Alleviating Sciatica Pain
Tip #1
For a pregnant lady with this medical condition, sleeping can be very difficult, more so, if the pain is on the left side. Since lying on the opposite side of the pain is known to relieve pressure from the nerve, using a body pillow is highly recommended. To sleep with a body pillow, wrap one leg on top of the pillow, and shift your hips so that your weight is equally distributed across the bottom leg. Depending on which trimester you are in, you may opt to prop the pillow under the belly as well. Whenever you feel uncomfortable, change sides immediately. This may not be able to erase all the pain, but it may help alleviate the pain.
Tip #2
Often it is noted that pregnant women tend to sit in one place, more often than not in an uncomfortable chair or bucket seat, which causes sciatica. Hence, it is advised to stand, walk,and stretch often. If you have been sitting for an extended period of time, try to sit forward, which will remove the pressure off your hips. Sitting on a slightly rolled towel is an option, which you may want to exercise, so that you are able to sit with your weight forward. Stretch, point, and flex your toes to help create movement along the sciatic nerve.
Stretches for Pregnant Women with Sciatic Nerve Pain
Stretch #1
This sciatica pain exercise is called the cat-cow stretch.
- Sit on your hands and knees so that your hands are exactly below the shoulders, and your knees are directly below the hips. Make sure you have a flat back. When you come into this position, you will realize, that it will remove all the pressure from your lower back immediately. Hence, it is one of the lower-back pain stretches for pregnant women.
- Inhale and try to bring your pelvis forward, also round your back. This is the cat pose.
- Slowly exhale and move your pelvis back and towards the sky, as you curve your belly towards the ground. This is the cow pose.
When you are practice this stretch, ensure that the motion that you are doing is from the pelvis, so that you get the utmost benefit from this sciatica stretching exercise.
Stretch #2
The next of the sciatica exercises to relieve pain for pregnant women is the child’s pose, which is a relaxation pose that eases pressure off the back in general and lower back in particular.
- Sit on all your fours such that your knees are spread, so that you make room for your belly between your knees.
- Sit back in such a way that your hips are resting on your heels, and slowly bring your forehead to the ground.
- Now, slowly stretch your arms in front of you and breathe for a couple of minutes.
Stretch #3
The next of the exercises for sciatica leg pain is called downward-facing dog. It is a good exercise to stretch the back and hamstring, and also to shift the weight and pressure off your pelvis and the sciatica nerve area.
- Slowly come down on all your fours such that your toes are curled under, and your hips are pushed towards the sky to form an inverted V posture.
- Now, gently try to push your heels towards the floor, and try to look back towards your knees. To come out of this posture, acquire a table-top position and then come out of it.
The sciatica stretches for pregnant women will be able to bring relief from the pain. However, before you practice any of these stretches, it is recommended, that you consult your doctor so that there are no ill-effects. If the pain is unbearable, it is always better to visit a physician.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.