A feeling of nausea is often symptomatic of seasickness. If you are planning to go on a sea journey, it is important that you take preventive measures against it. This article will provide you with remedies for seasickness, and some dos and don'ts that one needs to observe when on board a ship.
The primary symptom of seasickness is nausea, but one might experience a spinning sensation which gives a person a feeling of being unbalanced and makes the person experience vertigo. It is a type of motion sickness, a person might experience this motion sickness while traveling in a car or plane too. The remedies are most effective if used before boarding a ship, however there are some dos and don’ts one can observe when on a ship.
A person gets seasick, because the signals received by the brain from the inner ears and eyes differ. This is called ‘visual disorientation’. In this situation the inner ear gives the person a feeling of motion, but the eyes trigger a feeling of no movement. This whole situation results in a person becoming seasick.
Diet: Before you are starting your journey on the ship, make sure you have a small low-fat meal. When on board the ship, do not starve yourself when suffering from seasickness. Many people commit the mistake of keeping the stomach empty to prevent the sickness. By avoiding food the stomach triggers an electrical activity where the stomach becomes unstable. One becomes sensitive to anything like a particular smell, the sight of another person getting sick. So, keep eating something light like crackers, every two hours.
Wristbands: There are special acupressure bracelets or wristbands available which are to be worn on both the wrists. They contain small magnets which needs to be aligned with P6, which are pressure points on your wrists. If they are not properly aligned this remedy won’t work.
Ginger: Anything made of ginger proves to be very effective against seasickness. To use ginger you can either chew a piece of fresh ginger root or drink ginger ale. You can take ginger capsules too. But make sure when eating any foodstuff that is concentrated with ginger, that you don’t over consume it, because it can cause heartburn.
OTC Remedies: There are many over-the-counter medicines which you can take to prevent the sickness. It is best if you take them before boarding the ship. The most effective pills contain meclizine. The other pills that are effective are the ones that contain dimenhydrinate. You can buy these pills at a drugstore.
Homeopathy: An effective homeopathy remedy is to take Trip Ease, 2 hours before boarding. It is also effective if you are suffering from seasickness after you are on board the ship. This product contains natural ingredients and has no side effects.
Dos and Don’ts
- Keep taking small sips of water and avoid swallowing water in big gulps.
- It is a good idea to stand in a manner where you have your back towards the sea.
- Do not watch TV or read anything.
- When suffering from the sickness, try to relax yourself by lying down and closing your eyes. You can listen to some music to divert your attention.
- Avoid being in enclosed spaces and try to sit near a window or a place where you can get fresh air.
- Limit the intake of alcohol when on board, as alcohol will make you dehydrated.
- Try to be near the center of the boat and avoid going to the upper decks as it makes one more nauseous.
- Avoid going near a person who is seasick.
- You can try clearing your ears which might make you feel little better.
- Wear lightweight clothing when experiencing the sickness.
Prevent motion sickness by using the above remedies and use the above dos and don’ts if you are undergoing the nasty and uneasy feeling due to seasickness.