Snoring during pregnancy is a common concurrence among women, owing to physical changes.Though relatively harmless, this can be quite an annoying condition, especially for your partner. Through this article let us take a look at the different remedial measures which can bring down snoring…
During sleep, the soft palate on the roof of the mouth becomes relaxed. When the air flows through the relaxed palate, it vibrates and tends to produce sound. The sound which is heard during this phase is termed as snoring and is common in both men and women. However, pregnant women snore more often than the women who are not pregnant.
Though snoring can be quite embarrassing and may cause a hindrance to your partner, it is essential to get to the root cause of this condition and get rid of it at the earliest. The rate of snoring may increase as your term progresses and though it is common, it can also mean that there is a reduced level of oxygen. Let us see about the cures for snoring and, with it, the causes of this distressing condition.
Causes and Remedies for Snoring During Pregnancy
While you are pregnant, you need to take care of what you eat, be it food or medications. You cannot just pop medicines and supplements without consulting your gynec. Snoring is one such issue that is experienced by most pregnant women. In the absence of proper treatment, this can become chronic and excessive snoring may hamper the growth of the fetus. Here are some of the reasons why women snore while they are pregnant, along with some remedies.
- Weight gain is a common phenomenon during pregnancy and it can also be one of the causes of snoring in pregnant women. This is mainly because an increase in body mass may cause the expansion of muscles. Muscles in the nose and throat may expand, which may end up in the person snoring. Though this is an inevitable change and you can do nothing about it, you can manage it. Weight management during pregnancy should not hamper your nutritional intake. You can do a few mild exercises (only after consulting your gynecologist) to address this problem in an effective way.
- Sleeping postures also plays an important role when it comes to snoring. You can adopt a comfortable posture while sleeping so as not to put a pressure on breathing. Keeping an additional pillow underneath your head will improve the passage of air and reduce snoring. You can also sleep on your side instead of on your back, and it is possible to maintain sleeping on your either side, instead of lying flat. It is also recommended to avoid the usage of sedatives or sleeping pills.
- Another attribute of experiencing snoring during pregnancy is due to sleep apnea. This condition may develop if there is an obstruction in the nasal passage and if timely medical intervention is not sought, it can end up in depriving the brain of oxygen leading to several unwanted complications. It can delay or retard fetal growth and development, and may also lead to death.
- Disturbances in the sleeping pattern may also be one of the causes of pregnancy snoring. Inadequate sleep can lead to an expectant mother experiencing emotional and hormonal changes. Consuming alcoholic or caffeinated drinks can also hamper the sleep pattern. Avoid these, as well as smoking, during pregnancy as it can harm the child. Instead, you can drink a glass of cold milk just before you hit the sack. Taking a tablespoon of olive oil is also known to reduce snoring.
- Preeclampsia is a condition, which some pregnant women may notice, where the blood pressure shoots up. Other symptoms of this disorder are swelling of the extremities, malfunction of the liver, protein in urine (proteinuria), severe headaches, etc. If this condition is left untreated, it can cause complications to both the mother and child, putting their lives in jeopardy. Timely monitoring of this condition may prevent it from becoming intense and also control the symptoms.
- Gynecologists around the world, advise pregnant women to go for short walks both in the morning as well as in the evening. These walks can enhance breathing and improve the amount of oxygen in the blood. Breathing exercises are also quite effective in controlling snoring.
Try these cures and you’ll find respite from this annoying condition. Remember, snoring while you are pregnant can cause problems both for you and the baby. If you are pregnant and experience episodes of snoring, then get in touch with your gynecologist or obstetrician to alleviate this issue. Wish you a happy and safe motherhood!