By regularly performing stomach exercises after pregnancy, a woman ensures that her abdomen tones up, and she becomes fit and healthy.
It is estimated that on average, a woman gains around thirty pounds during her pregnancy. Although, majority of this weight is lost in the first month after the delivery itself, still the weight gained and fat accumulated can be very hard to get rid of. So, it becomes imperative that such women start exercising and switch to a healthy and balanced diet.
Usually, doctors recommend that women start with an exercise routine, six weeks after their delivery. A woman should initially start with simple exercises such as walking and then move onto aerobics. Combining cardiovascular exercises like aerobics with yoga, kegel exercises, and abdominal exercises, is a good way to remove the stubborn stomach fat and regain fitness.
Best Post Pregnancy Stomach Exercises
Abdominal Crunches
Crunches are the best way to strengthen the muscles in the abdomen. To do crunches, lie down on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet flat on the ground. Keep your feet slightly away from your hips. You may place your hands at the back of your head for support. Next, raise your head and shoulders off the ground, and move towards your knees. Pull in your abdominal muscles and hold in this position for about five seconds, then, come back down to the normal position. Repeat this exercise as many times as you feel comfortable.
Pelvic Tilts
To perform this exercise, take the same position as you did while performing crunches, the only difference being that this time, the hands should be placed on the stomach. Once you have taken the appropriate position, push the curve of your back so that it lies straight on the ground. When you do this, squeeze in the muscles of your stomach as well as your bottom. Remain in this position for about five seconds and then return to normal. Do ten repetitions of this exercise.
Oblique Crunches
This exercise is effective in getting rid of the accumulated fat around the abdomen and love handles. To do this exercise, lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the ground, hands locked behind the head, and elbows out. Now, raise your head and shoulders off the ground, twist your body a bit, and touch your left knee with your right elbow. Next, come back to the starting position. Repeat the same exercise on the other side i.e., touch your right knee with your left elbow. Do around ten repetitions of this exercise and increase the number as and when you feel more comfortable.
Scissor Kicks
To perform this exercise, lie on your back on the floor. Keep both your hands under the buttocks. Now, keeping your back and upper body pressed into the ground, raise your left leg about a foot off the floor. Slowly bring the leg back to the ground, and at the same time, raise your right leg one foot from the floor. Repeat this exercise a few times by alternately raising both the legs.
Lie down with your lower back on the floor and support your upper back with your elbows by firmly pressing them against the ground. Now, tighten your abdominal muscles and kick your right leg in the front. Next, kick with your left leg. Repeat this exercise alternately on your legs with ten repetitions on each.
A workout routine should be started, only after consulting a doctor. For example, if a woman has had a cesarean, she might be asked by her doctor not to exercise until eight weeks after delivery. Exercising regularly has a lot of benefits for a new mother. Exercising increases blood circulation, raises the metabolism, maintains healthy weight, tones the body, relieves stress, and keeps up the energy levels. Thus, exercising everyday, drinking lots of water, and eating a healthy diet is very important for a woman, in order to lose postpartum weight and to remain healthy.