Exposing a set of discolored teeth is a huge no-no, especially since it indicates that your oral health has taken a hit, with the possibility of not being able to recover from the blow. Save those teeth while you can by getting rid of plaque buildup, with these teeth whitening products that work.
Your teeth’s biggest enemy is plaque; it can wreak havoc to your pearly whites, leaving it stained, an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, and on the verge of falling prey to tooth decay. To get rid of plaque, it is important to practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and finally gargling with mouthwash. Citric fruits and other acidic foods can cause significant damage, therefore, gargle your mouth briefly post a meal that contains any of the said ingredients, to stop the acid from settling on your teeth. To get rid of plaque effectively, the following products given below are worth a try.
Products that Whiten Teeth
Teeth-Whitening Toothpastes
These particular toothpastes (dentifrices) contain mild abrasives that help remove surface stains. Some also contain polishing chemicals but no bleaching elements that could harm sensitive teeth. Use a whitening toothpaste twice a day, and you’re bound to notice results in a couple of weeks. Make it a habit to use it regularly to keep your teeth sparkly white.
Whitening Strips and Gels
These products are available in pharmacies, and can be used to take care of discolored teeth. Peroxide-based gels can be applied using a toothbrush. The frequency and duration of use is mentioned on the packaging. Companies usually advise to use the gels twice a day for two weeks. Similarly, whitening strips are coated with either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, where these polyethylene strips can be conveniently placed across one’s teeth.
When using a whitening strip, you’ll need to first consult a dentist before giving it a try, since it can mask certain problems that will be hard to detect post use. Therefore, a consultation is imperative to rule out any complications that may occur, since whitening strips are also known to intensify gum and teeth problems if they exist in one’s mouth. Also, those who have stains that aren’t yellow in nature, will find it hard to get rid of discoloration and need to visit a dentist to take care of the severe staining. In other words, don’t try using this on your own without prior consultation.
Laser Teeth Whitening
Popularly known as in-office bleaching, this procedure can lead to fast, long-lasting results. The procedure includes a thorough teeth cleaning (surface and gaps), as well as the removal of plaque. A bleaching gel is first applied over the teeth after which a laser is directed towards it, to activate the crystals in the gel, increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. This method of teeth whitening works well for those who have deep-set stains. As recommended, a dentist will first inspect the state of your teeth, addressing issues that need to be taken care of before performing the procedure.
Teeth-Whitening Trays
The trays can be bought from a pharmacy or a dentist. The teeth whitening tray is fabricated to fit over a patient’s teeth and is coated with a bleaching gel from the inside. These trays fit snugly over one’s teeth, encasing it in a transparent fixture that effectively removes hidden bacteria, plaque, and stains. As always, read the instructions before proceeding to use such a product, and consult a dentist about if it is okay to use.
There are other alternatives that don’t involve the use of products; a homemade mixture of bleach and lemon is a tried-and-tested method. First, use a cotton swab to get rid of visible saliva and plaque sitting on your teeth. Then, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a squirt of lemon juice, applying the slightly frothy paste over your teeth using a toothbrush. Wait for only a minute before gently washing it away with a mild toothpaste. Apples and strawberries are known for their teeth-cleansing properties; just be sure to gargle your mouth with plain water after eating them, to avoid the acid from settling over your pearly whites.