Tincture of iodine is a solution that is utilized for medicinal purposes. It is transparent, puce colored, and has a specific strength that varies in different liquid solutions.
Tincture of iodine is used in treating wounds as a skin antiseptic for infections. It depends on the purpose for which the tincture of iodine is required. It is only when we assess the objective behind having the tincture, we are able to select a suitable tincture for a particular condition. Thus, the strength of the tincture will be the deciding factor in understanding the purpose for which tincture is required. It is suggested that you garner advice from one trained pharmacist or a medical expert, with regards to using the tincture.
Uses of Iodine Tincture
☞ The tincture of iodine is used to treat wounds. The tincture is also used in sucking out skin infections, thereby not allowing them to spread further. Minor cuts and wounds heal when the tincture is applied. One caution to nail in mind is that the tincture of iodine is not meant for wounds that are fresh. Failing to follow this caution may result in severe skin burns. You must also avoid the use of iodine if you are allergic to sea food.
☞ Deficient levels of iodine may result in hearing-related ailments. Using iodine as an aliment to treat hearing troubles may be beneficial; however, you must be regular with the use. A word of caution: Visit the doctor before you take the step of using iodine for hearing problems.
☞ Women, while their menstruation cycle draws near, may find their breasts tender and sensitive to touch. The uneasy ache — besides the menstrual cycle approaching — is also attributed to deficiency in iodine levels. Administration of iodine supplements may control, if not completely cease the breast tenderness. However, a healthcare professional must be consulted for a thorough diagnosis.
☞ The tincture of iodine could be used as a disinfectant to purify water. When the water sources cause a problem and the water is unsafe for domestic use and drinking purposes, it is advised that iodine be used in disinfecting water.
☞ The thyroid gland can function normally because of the presence of the appropriate iodine content in the body. If there are any iodine deficiencies,the practitioner might ask you to undergo certain Tests.
☞ These diagnostic tests will tell if your thyroid levels have dwindled and why your thyroid is functioning in the wrong manner. The iodine deficiency test involves the application of the solution on your skin. A three-inch patch is made on your skin and is successively monitored by the medical authority for a day. The observation involves the doctor keeping an eye on the time period within which the brown spot of iodine tincture disappears from the skin. When it disappears, the skin is administered with another spot. If the spot remains, you have no iodine deficiency and the reapplication of the iodine tincture is not required. The number of times the stain disappears and the number of time the spot needs to be renewed, the body can be termed iodine deficient in the iodine test.
Buying Iodine Tincture
There are certain groceries and pharmacies from where tincture of iodine can be bought. The tincture of iodine is made globally and commercially available and you could use it keeping in mind the strength of the tincture. The commercially provided tincture of iodine is safer to use, as it has directions and terms of use mentioned on the cover. When you buy the tincture of iodine you are supposed to check if the said tincture is safe to be used at home. The strength of the iodine tincture should be apt for home use. Tincture of iodine is a compound of iodine, sodium iodide, water and ethyl alcohol.
“For the tincture, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has procured the amounts of each ingredient needed to produce tincture of iodine of various strengths.”
It is always better to garner an expert consult in situations where you feel you are not very confident about the administration of the tincture. You could resort to making the tincture at home, as well. It is necessary to practice caution when preparing tincture of iodine at home.
“The ingredients can cause health hazards. …” The ingredients may cause the skin to develop rashes, thereby irritating the skin thoroughly. It also possesses some ingredients that will trigger breathing difficulties and worsen skin conditions, like dermatitis. If inhaled, the tincture could lead to health troubles that may prove pernicious in nature. Close contact may trigger a reaction in the eyes, whereupon they may go red and feel chafed. If you contract any deficiency of iodine in the body, it would be to your advantage to consult the practitioner and undergo the prescribed tests.