Women are generally told to abstain from wearing high heels during pregnancy. This is because it leads to the development of calf cramps and tightening of calf muscles over time. The following article sheds light on the unpleasant consequences of wearing an inappropriate footwear while carrying a baby.
The maternity period is the most vulnerable and emotive phase in a woman’s life. It is not her alone whom she needs to take care of but also the little life that is blooming inside her. Her movements are not restricted enough but closely guarded. This is done to ensure that she has a safe pregnancy followed by a hassle-free delivery. Footwear are the most coveted accessories for women. Needless to say, a high-heeled footwear is something that you will find in every woman’s shoe closet. It is apparent that women love wearing high heels, as these trendy footwear add poise to the calf muscles and a sexual appeal to their gait. However, long-term usage can pose severe problems while carrying a baby, particularly in the later stages due to the physical and hormonal changes occurring in the body.
Problems Associated
- The calf muscles are constantly being placed in a shortened position upon wearing tall heels regularly in the gestation period.
- These foot appendages lead to the lateral divergence of the big toe known as bunion.
- Tall heels increase fluid retention in the lower legs and feet, thereby causing the feet to swell.
- The lower back easily succumbs to extreme weight shifting during the gestation period. Wearing tall heels causes an excruciating pain, and an upper leg ache is an added discomfort.
- During pregnancy, hormones like progesterone fill the bloodstream and loosen the ligaments of the lower back and abdomen. This allows the stomach room to grow. The same hormones pass through other areas of the body, like ankles and feet. When ligaments in the lower leg get loosened, feet can widen leading to diminished ankle strength. This makes wearing such footwear riskier. Relaxed ankle ligaments poses the problem of stability. One can stumble and fall because of these tall heels.
- These foot appendages tend to disrupt the equilibrium of the body. The posture of a person standing on the ground, with the toe and heel aligned along the same line, is the most normal posture. However, when a pregnant lady wears heels, the center of gravity deviates and the excess weight is pushed towards the spinal cord. Now as such, a pregnant lady is not only bearing her own weight but also the weight of the child. So, the muscles and ligaments within her body stretch enough to accommodate the growing fetus, leading to a backache.
- Sciatic nerve pain during the maternity period is a traumatic experience. Wearing high heels at this time can actually worsen the condition. Sciatic nerve is a long nerve that starts from the lower back, runs through the back of the legs, and down to the feet. It can cause undue pressure on this nerve. This can lead to severe complications which include damage to the spine disc. Symptoms like piercing of pins and needles feeling in legs, burning sensation in the lower back and buttocks, and numbness in legs are felt during sciatica. Besides, it can also cause the ankles to swell.
It is better stick to flats and comfortable shoes, until delivery. You can also consider wearing alternatives such as wedges and platform shoes that give a similar look as that of heels. Of course, they are far more comfortable and safe. Keep yourself engaged in pregnancy exercises during this assailable time to maintain your stamina and to relieve yourself from the back pain. Take care and good luck!