If you are wondering whether is it possible to get pregnant from pre-cum or not, then read the forthcoming HerHaleness article, as it provides a convincing answer to this query of yours.
The prospect of getting pregnant can be a matter of great anticipation and joy for some women while for others it can be a cause of worry. Hence, most women of reproductive ages or those who are trying to conceive have many doubts or questions regarding their chances of getting pregnant. And one such question that constantly lingers in their minds is, what are the chances of getting pregnant from pre-cum. But, before we answer this, let us first know what exactly is pre-cum.
Pre-cum or Pre-discharge
► Pre-cum or pre-discharge is basically a fluid secreted by the male body while making love or at the time when the man is aroused.
► Also termed as pre-seminal fluid, this fluid is produced by the bulbourethral gland in order to clear the path for the sperm released during discharge.
► This fluid travels down the urethra (the male genital duct) and gets ejected at the tip of the male genital organ. It is alkaline in nature and neutralizes the remaining acidic urine in the urethra, thereby making it safe for the sperms to pass through it.
► It also helps in the smooth passage of sperms by lubricating the urethra. But, can this fluid make a woman pregnant? Let us find out in the following sections.
Chances of Conceiving with Pre-cum
➜ There are very slim or mild chances of conceiving but still one cannot ignore the fact that there are one out of ten chances of getting pregnant with pre-cum.
➜ Studies reveal that this fluid released by the male genital organ, prior to discharge, contains not many but a few spermatozoa (sperm cell) that can enter the female reproductive tract in the presence of cervical mucus.
➜ Studies also say that pre-discharge in itself doesn’t contain sperms, but it can pick them up from the urethra (left behind from a previous discharge) and carry it along to a woman’s female genital organ , which can result in pregnancy.
➜ Especially, during an unprotected love-making, pre-cum can allow the sperm to enter the female genital organ and possibly fertilize the egg, even before the man tries to pull out before discharging.
➜ Since a sperm can live and remain motile for 3 – 4 days on the male genital organ’s tip or urethra, the best way to avoid having sperms in the pre-cum, due a previous discharge, is by having the male urinate after experiencing discharge and before entering the female genital organ. This can greatly reduce the possibility of the presence of sperms in the pre-discharge.
➜ Another way to avoid pregnancy is through the withdrawal method. In this, during the love making process, the man has to pull his genital organ out of the female before he discharges. It is not a foolproof method and primarily depends upon the male’s ability or will power to withdraw as soon as he is about to discharge. Hence, the withdrawal method cannot be considered as an effective birth control method. This is because most men in the height of passion are unable to withdraw and end up discharging in the female’s genital organ.
To conclude, the best way to reduce the odds of getting pregnant from pre-cum is to use condoms or birth control pills. However, in case you may not be using these birth control options, then another useful way to avoid pregnancy is trying the combination of withdrawal and rhythm method. The rhythm method is nothing but avoiding getting physically close when the woman is most fertile. This method is most beneficial for those women who have a regular menstrual cycle and those who keep a track of when they are most fertile. Well, hoping that the information given in this article has helped in clearing your doubts or queries related to the odds of conceiving from pre-cum.
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.