Fundraisers are often organized as an essential part of raising funds for charities that support the treatment, awareness, and research involved in breast cancer. We will give you a list of ideas that you can use to host your own fundraiser for contributing to this noble cause.
Fun Fact
While the intention and cause for holding these fundraisers is serious at the base, people usually mix a fun activity with the same to attract more people to participate in it.
There are several organizations that work for women who have breast cancer in a number of ways―either by raising awareness about the issue, funding medical companies that undertake research for the same, or by providing counseling and care to women affected by the condition. Because most people are aware of what this condition is and what it spells for a person, there is a rather common presumption that these organizations receive a lot of money in the form of donations and charity. This is, however, not true. Though they may receive money, these organizations could always benefit with more money, given that research and care is expensive. Moreover, many times, people do not donate because they figure that someone else surely must have.
While a personal donation is one way in which you can contribute to these organizations and the cause in general, it is much more beneficial if one is able to donate on a larger scale. In that direction, one of the simplest and most effective ways of raising money for breast cancer is by organizing varied types of fundraisers. Ideas for the types of fundraisers that can be organized have been provided in the following sections of this WellnessKeen article.
Breast Cancer Fundraising Ideas
Run a Marathon―Make People Run a Marathon
Running a marathon to raise money for an important cause is one of the most common practices. There are two ways in which this can work, either you raise the money on your own and then donate it on the day of the marathon or you pay a fee to enter the marathon.
The proceedings then go to the organization of your choice. Organizing a marathon on a large scale will require some work. You will need to acquire a permit to be able to use the roads, as well as contact well-established brands to ask for services in terms of labels on shirts or refreshments for participants in return of free advertising of the brand.
Cycle for Funds
Yet another wonderful idea is to have a cycling competition or a cycling ride, so to say. Organize a cycling event for breast cancer awareness. Mark a route for an early Sunday morning spin and get the necessary permits from the local authorities.
Put up flyers or advertise in the paper and tell people about this event and why it is being held. A small fee will be required to be paid for participating in the event. Encourage more and more people to participate, highlighting the fact that the collected funds will go to several charities working for breast cancer awareness and care.
Organize a Sports Day
A fun way to raise money for the cause is to organize a sports day in your neighborhood. Make flyers stating that the event is being held for raising money as donation to a particular organization and ask people to donate generously. To make this fun, organize varied games and sporting events for all age groups. Don’t forget to include gifts and prizes for all the winners.
Take the help of your neighbors and friends to organize the event. Not only is this done for a noble cause, but because it brings in the factors of fun and socializing, people will not mind participating and meeting other people.
Have a Pink Bake Sale
Carry over the theme of pink and combine it with a bake sale. What do we mean? Bake all these food items like cupcakes, macaroons, and cookies and then have a bake sale. All the earnings from the sale will be donated to the breast cancer organizations. And to bring in the theme of raising awareness and pooling in funds for breast cancer, use the element of pink―use pink food coloring to make all the bakery products a nice and bright tinge of pink.
To enhance this sale further, wear pink-colored t-shirts with encouraging quotes and pins on breast cancer and don a pink ribbon. Put up posters that dispense information about the condition, as well as the organizations that are working for this cause. This will increase people’s awareness about the condition and motivate them to make a contribute in their own way.
Hold a 50/50 Raffle
Print out some raffle tickets for a 50/50 raffle and sell them at a large event or gathering. Make sure you have spoken to the organizers before doing this. The raffle prize is half the money that is collected from the sum―the other half is given away in charity to the breast cancer organization of your choice.
In fact, this can be easily converted into a weekly affair, all you do is ask the bosses at your workplace if you can be allowed to host a raffle every week. This way you can donate every week.
Set up a Used Books Sale/Garage Sale
Ask your family, friends, and neighbors to donate books and other things from in and around the house that they don’t require anymore. Explain to them the reason for why you’re asking for these things. After you have collected enough things, you can organize a ‘Used-Books Sale’ or a garage sale. In addition to this, you can also keep a jar at the counter for donations.
Write a Newspaper Article
Sometimes, holding bake sales, or setting up stalls is not always possible, but you can still help raise a lot of funds by writing a newspaper article. Write a letter to the editor of a popular, local daily highlighting what breast cancer is, what its stages are, how it affects the person, what kind of research and medical breakthroughs are happening, the various charities that are working for this cause, and how the general public can help.
If you are able to jot down a personal account of someone close to you who has gone through this, or is still going through the pain, it will give a more human angle to the article, allowing people to relate to it better, and thus be willing to help.
Hold a Silent Auction
Auctions are another great way to score in money. Either one can request people to donate items for the auction or you can ask local stores, artists, and other respected members of society to donate something for this good cause.
Make sure to let them know that their names will be mentioned at the auction, so in a way it’s like they are getting publicity and advertising as well. Make sure to have signs explaining what the condition is, listing out the ways in which people can extend their help, and the names of the various charities that support this cause.
Donate. Ask. Donate Some More.
Let people know that you’re supporting this cause and are working actively towards it. Ask friends, family, and acquaintances to donate whatever little (or a lot) that they can. You can even ask your colleagues, teachers, and doctors to donate for the cause. Another thing that you can do is ask people to give you cash instead of gifts for your birthday and use that money for donation.
With the many ideas that are provided in the sections above, you will surely be able to find an idea for organizing a fundraiser that you can follow through. Bring one method into action and then another and then come up with some of your own. The point is, you’re helping raise funds, the method you choose to raise them is secondary.