Yeast infection results in inflammation and itching due to yeast manifestation in both men and women. Scroll down to know about creams for treating these symptoms.
Yeast infection is caused by a fungus or yeast called Candida albicans that can be found in both men and women. The fungus generally resides under folds of skin. Hence, the most common location for a candida outbreak in women is the vaginal area, while in men it normally thrives on and around the penis shaft and head. The infection is more prone to occur in women who are pregnant, obese, diabetic, or suffering some other health disorders, leading to a white to yellow cottage cheese-like discharge from the vagina. Men having a weak immune system or an unhealthy lifestyle are more vulnerable to yeast infection, resulting in sores or inflammation at the tip or head of the penis.
Apart from these, the infection may cause itchiness and burning sensation in the infected area, which may also be accompanied by the emergence of white patches. A person suffering from yeast infection may also experience pain or discomfort during intercourse or while urinating. Since there are many over-the-counter antifungal medications for treatment, one may surely wonder which is the best and most effective. Yeast infection creams are the safest bet in this case. So, let us try to learn more about it with the information given below.
Antifungal Creams for Yeast Infection
There are different types of creams available in the market, and picking one that suits you the most can be an intimidating task. An important parameter to be kept in mind while purchasing is to check whether it is a brand or a generic name cream. Though both are nearly same, they just vary in their price, i.e., branded one is more expensive. Moreover, when you compare their ingredients, you will find that they are almost the same. Hence, if you want to save money, purchase a generic cream, having a name that ends in ‘ole’. Miconazole and clotrimzaole are two commonly used generic creams. Since the medications are same for both, men and women, below are some over-the-counter topical, antifungal creams for their use.
Miconazole Vaginal Cream
Miconazole or Monistat is an antifungal vaginal cream, used to treat yeast infection in women. It provides relief from the two most common symptoms, itchiness and burning sensation. Femizol-M Vaginal Cream, Monistat 3 Vaginal Cream, Monistat 7 Vaginal Cream, and Monistat Vaginal Cream are some of the brand names for this. Avoid using miconazole cream and its related products with any blood thinning drugs, like Warfarin, as it may lead to dilution of blood, and subsequently result in bruising and bleeding.
Butoconazole Vaginal Cream
Butoconazole is the generic name for some brands including Femstat, Gynazole 1, and Myselex 3. Its antifungal properties relieve the symptoms of a yeast infection, and provide instant relief.
Clotrimzaole Anti Fungal Cream
Clotrimzaole is the generic name for brands like Gyne-Lotrimin, Bynix, Mycelex-7, Myselex-G, and Trivagizole. Its antifungal agents treat the infection, and keeps it from recurring.
However, like two sides of the coin, these creams also have some side effects associated with them. One of them is that along with the harmful bacteria, the creams kill off the good, beneficial bacteria required to maintain bacteria balance in the body. Also, some creams, when applied to the infected area, can cause severe burning and irritation, which is so intense, that one has to wash off the cream right away for instant relief. Hence, be careful while purchasing and applying any of these products.
Apart from using these creams, wearing lose cotton inner wear, avoiding synthetic fiber clothing, and keeping the genital area clean and dry, are some effective ways to cure as well as prevent yeast infections from occurring in future. However, even after trying these treatment methods, if there is no change in the condition, or the infection persists, it is recommended to consult a doctor to elucidate the case.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and not intended to replace the advice offered by a medical expert.