If you want to know the different types of yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy, the following article will tell you just that. Read on to know which poses and postures should be avoided by expecting mothers, and why.
There has always been an ongoing debate about the yoga poses one should avoid during pregnancy, and it amazes me that most of us misunderstand the importance of these spiritual disciplines altogether. When a woman is pregnant, her physical and emotional state need the utmost care and pampering. Yoga does just that! Practicing yoga during pregnancy is very beneficial, provided you know which poses to avoid and which ones are helpful. It is first important for you to understand that yoga is not just a form of exercise. Yoga in its simplest form, is a combination of spiritual and physical disciplines that help you reach absolute tranquility in relation to your body, mind and soul. Aren’t these the very prerequisites a woman would want to possess during pregnancy?
Yoga Poses to Avoid Throughout Your Pregnancy
There are certain yoga poses that are a strict no-no throughout one’s pregnancy. Doctors advise you to avoid these poses due to different scientific reasons, all of which are mentioned below. With these yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy, it is also important for you to know the other yoga practices that you should stay away from. The following points will update you with the postures you should avoid, and why.
Bikram Yoga
Bikram yoga or Hot Yoga should be completely avoided right from the first day of your pregnancy. For those who don’t know, hot yoga is a concept wherein the yoga postures are performed inside a hot room. By doing this, your body might get dehydrated, leading to dizziness as well. Your body temperature will also rise, which is unhealthy for the baby.
Lying Down Poses
Lying down straight on your back in Savasana or on your belly should be strictly avoided right from the first day, and especially during your second and third trimesters. Lying on the back puts pressure on the vena cava artery which reduces blood flow and eventually leads to the Vena Cava Syndrome. This reduction in blood flow will again lead to dizziness.
Twisting Poses
If you want to try postures that include twisting, select those in which you can twist from the shoulders instead of your abdomen. Twisting will put pressure on the uterus, if it is done from the belly. Some twisting asanas that you must avoid are revolved side angle pose known as parivrtta parsvakonasana and revolved triangle pose known as parivrtta trikonasana.
Inversions & Jumps
Avoid all asanas that might require even a slight jump, as this may include the repositioning of the egg right from the first trimester of your pregnancy. Similarly, avoid all techniques that involve excessive breathing and its retention too. These techniques might add more pressure on your abdomen than you realize. Other yoga poses you should avoid include Pincha Mayurasana, Halasana, Salamba Sarvangasan, Adho Mukha Vrksasana and Salamba Sirsasana. These are inversions that should also be avoided.
As a summary, some of the yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy are Sirsha Asana, Dhanura Asana, Ushtra Asana, Hala Asana and Sarvanga Asana (there might be more depending on each case). These and other poses like headstands, upwards bows, handstands and backbends should be completely avoided.
Additional Health Tips
Every pregnant women should know that when she’s expecting, her body is producing relaxin. This hormones softens the ligaments and bones to make place for the growing baby. Due to this, an expecting mother is advised to avoid excessive stretching throughout her pregnancy. If you feel uncomfortable in a particular posture, stop immediately. There is yoga of a different type, meant for pregnant women, and this is nothing but yoga excluding the above-mentioned postures. Apart from those discussed above, avoid any postures and poses that would make you feel uncomfortable or those which put pressure on your abdomen and breathing.
To conclude, the benefits of prenatal yoga are what you should seek. It is very difficult to mention all the forms of yoga as that would do nothing but confuse you further. Keep these yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy in mind, and also consult a yoga instructor for further information on a specific pose. If you join yoga classes that are specifically dedicated to expecting mothers, you are in good hands. However, if your instructor is unaware of your pregnancy, you must mention it immediately, along with your trimester details. Be careful and at peace!