Adrenal fatigue is not recognized by the conventional medicine. The proponents use this term with reference to fatigue and other non-specific symptoms that are believed to occur due to improper functioning of the adrenal gland due to extreme stress.
The adrenal glands that are situated on the top of our kidneys produce several important hormones such as cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. According to the proponents of adrenal fatigue theory, chronic physical and mental stress can adversely affect the ability of the adrenal glands to produce these hormones. This gives rise to fatigue, low energy levels, constant feeling of exhaustion, and depression.
Contributing Factors
Adrenaline and cortisol are two important hormones that play a vital role in stress management. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline and cortisol in response to stress. Adrenaline elevates the blood pressure, heart rate, and energy supplies; cortisol increases the blood glucose levels. Chronic stress can lead to adrenal exhaustion, as adrenal glands need to produce cortisol constantly.
Women who are going through a difficult time due to relationship problems, problems at workplace, financial problems, death of a close person, and health issues are at an increased risk of developing adrenal fatigue. Negative emotions such as fear, anger, depression and anxiety, excessive physical exertion, sleep deprivation, low blood sugar, and nutritional deficiencies also contribute significantly to adrenal burnout. The common symptoms of adrenal fatigue include low energy levels, poor concentration, weak immune system, reduced sex drive, cravings for salty foods or high protein foods, lethargy, poor memory, low body temperature, weight gain, or menstrual problems.
It is believed that chronic stress is the contributing factor for adrenal exhaustion, which is why the treatment involves eliminating stress from one’s life. Following relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, aromatherapy, or yoga meditation can certainly prove beneficial. Find ways to spend your time judiciously. Go for walks. Swimming, dancing, aerobics, etc., are some of the activities that will help you stay fit. It’s extremely essential to do something that will make you feel relaxed or happy. Go for a vacation to unburden your mind. Do whatever makes you happy. Instead of fretting over your problems, try to resolve them.
Changing your dietary habits will also help. Keep yourself well-hydrated and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid include processed foods, carbonated drinks, pickled foods, sugary/fattening foods, and fermented foods. Excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol can also aggravate the problem and must be avoided. Follow a high fiber diet. Include omega-3 fatty acids, fresh fruits and vegetables, probiotics, unrefined carbohydrates, olive, walnuts, ground flax seeds, and foods rich in vitamin B-complex, C and E. Strengthen your immune system by following a balanced diet.
Stress management is the most important aspect of the treatment of adrenal fatigue for women. Since stress can trigger many serious health problems, you must find ways to manage it soon. If you often experience severe fatigue, seek medical help at the earliest.