Cellulite is the fat that collects in pockets just beneath the skin. It mainly collects around the thighs, hips, and buttocks. This article provides information about some anti cellulite creams, which are available in the market.
Cellulite is caused by irregular patterns of connective tissue beneath the skin. As the adipose tissue that is present in the form of small pockets pushes into the skin, it causes dimpling of the skin. The condition can be tackled by following a healthy diet and exercising regularly, or undergoing laser therapy, mesotherapy, massage treatments, etc. However, there are several anti-cellulite creams available in the market that can also be helpful for its treatment.
An Overview
These creams work against the cellulite by restricting further fat deposition. They facilitate fat burning in that particular area, so that it doesn’t appear dimpled any more. Manufacturers of these creams claim that, the ingredients used in the cream (green tea, sea weed, antioxidants, liposomes, aminophyline, and peptides) help increase the blood circulation, thereby resulting in fat loss. Some claim that the topical application of the cream helps in the removal of fats and toxins out of the body. Therefore, defining the exact role of these creams seems to be difficult.
Much is being written and said about anti-cellulite creams with cayenne pepper. It must be noted that even though cayenne pepper has many health benefits, it cannot help in the treatment of cellulite as such.
There are many females who experience cellulite breakout during pregnancy, and controlling it becomes very difficult. The use of an anti-cellulite cream during pregnancy is not recommended because it is known to cause certain side effects on the baby. Hence, exercising regularly and consuming right foods is essential to lose this type of fat. Massaging the areas wherein cellulite has accumulated might also help in cellulite reduction to a great extent.
It has been observed that some creams work for a few people, while absolutely not for others, leading to sheer disappointment. Also, there are certain creams which are not effective, but are existing because of mere hype. However, some creams do work, if applied properly and in appropriate amounts.
Procellix, Revitol, Dermology, Murad Firm and Tone, Revitashape, Celluscience, and Nivea Goodbye are some of the creams available in the market to reduce this fat. Also, Cellu-Sculpt, Legtone Serum, Fat Girl Slim, Cellulean, Dermitage, TriLASTIN, Biolabs, Neutrogena, Vichy Lipometric, Dior Plasticity Gel, and Dove Intensive Firming Gel are also effective for the reduction of cellulite. According to some studies, the cream that works wonders is Revitol, because it contains caffeine, as well as retinol A, which not only helps in burning the fat, but also helps in getting smoother and healthier skin.
Well, along with these creams, one has to keep a strict watch on his diet. Also, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of junk food and follow an exercise regimen religiously.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.