Energy drinks and alcohol may prove to be a lethal combination, according to a lot of health experts. Read on to know more about this potentially deadly combo…
The growing popularity of energy drinks notwithstanding, mixing energy drinks with alcohol has nowadays become a rage amongst college students and youngsters. This combination might seem thrilling, but It is actually nowhere near as awesome as it feels. The main glitch in this combination is their inherently opposite properties and effects on the body.
Opposites Don’t Attract Here
For starters, to understand why mixing these two could be potentially dangerous for you, we need to know the properties of energy drinks and alcohol.
Energy drinks are stimulants, while alcohol is a depressant. What you are doing when you mix the two, is asking your body to deal with two completely opposite reactions. At one end, the energy drink is stimulating your senses, and on the other, the alcohol is doing its best to numb them. Many studies have conclusively proven that combining energy drinks and alcohol is disastrous for your body.
Effects of This Unholy Combination
Heart Problems
The caffeine content in energy drinks is considerably above the healthy limit. This may lead to pronounced heart palpitations, and increased blood pressure. That creates problems in the heart’s natural functioning. Heavy consumption of alcohol is also known to raise your heart rate, and cause the cardiac muscles to beat irregularly.
Less Intoxication Leads to More Consumption
The heady mixture of alcohol and energy drinks leads people to feel that they are not intoxicated or much less intoxicated than they actually are. Consequently, you end up drinking even more than you would drink normally!
Social/Legal Complications
Carrying on from the previous point, this combination makes you feel as if you are not at all drunk, while you would be behaving in an even weirder fashion than a drunkard. This can result in you being unaware of serious violations of the law or personal boundaries committed by yourself.
Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, and the combination can lead to abnormally high urination and possibly fatal dehydration.
Both alcohol and energy drinks are damaging enough on their own. Why tempt fate by mixing them and increasing their harmful effects exponentially? Be clean, be safe!