Enlarged uterus is a common problem for women who are about to reach the phase of menopause. Leaf through this article to know what leads to an abnormal increase in the size of the uterus and what are the symptoms exhibited by the body.
The problem of enlarged uterus is more common in older women. A number of diseases and conditions can lead to enlargement of uterus. It is necessary to know the symptoms of enlarged uterus because prompt treatment helps avoid worsening of the situation. Detecting the underlying cause of growing uterus helps determine the treatment. An internal exam, ultrasound test and some other tests can aid in detecting the cause of this abnormal condition.
Enlargement of Uterus
Fibroids: Uterine fibroids is one of the main and common cause of enlarged uterus. Statistics show that about 40-45% women suffer from the problem of uterine fibroids. Benign mass in the uterus is referred to as fibroid. Fibroids may be inside the uterus, outside the uterus or within the wall of uterus. There can be a single benign tumor or multiple number of fibroids at a time. A fibroid can be as small as a pea or as large as a melon. Enlarged uterus from fibroids can be sometimes asymptomatic. If the fibroids are small and if they do not cause any discomfort, then there is no need to remove the uterus surgically.
Cancer: Cancer of the endometrium or uterine cancer is the next common cause of increase in the size of the uterus. Elderly women or women suffering from obesity are more likely to develop uterine cancer. Similarly, women on hormone replacement therapy, on breast cancer treatment or those having colorectal cancer are at higher risk of developing endometrial cancer. In case of cancer, the treatment involves hysterectomy (surgical removal of uterus). Another common cause of enlarged uterus is ovarian cyst.
Adenomyosis: The uterine wall is made up of two layers, the inner layer is thin and is known as endometrium while the outer layer is thick and muscular which is known as myometrium. When the endometrium starts growing within the muscular wall of myometrium, the condition is recognized as adenomyosis. This condition is generally benign but can cause painful symptoms. Women belonging to the age group of 30-50 and who have had children may suffer from adenomyosis. The treatment involves use of anti-inflammatory medicines and hormone therapy. Hysterectomy may be recommended for serious cases of adenomyosis.
Menopause: Menopause results in hormonal imbalance which can cause enlarged uterus. Hormonal imbalance can lead to excessive cell growth in the inner lining of the uterus resulting in thickening of the uterus. Certain diseases like diabetes, ovary related health conditions during menopause can lead to enlargement of the uterus.
- Pain in lower abdomen, menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding during periods, passage of blood clots during menstruation and vaginal bleeding between periods are main adenomyosis symptoms.
- Mild to severe pain in the pelvis, heavy menstrual bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse, frequent urge to urinate, constipation, abdominal pain or pressure and lower backache are main symptoms of fibroids.
- Increase in the size of the uterus due to ovarian cysts can result in following symptoms: Pressure and pain in the abdomen, back pain, pain while urinating, painful menstruation, abnormal bleeding and breast tenderness.
- Vaginal bleeding between menstruation or after menopause indicates uterine cancer. Other symptoms include pain during intercourse, difficulty in urination, frequent abdominal pain, etc. Weight gain is also one of the main enlarged uterus symptoms.
Enlargement of uterus during pregnancy is quite obvious. The growth of the uterus during pregnancy changes the shape of the body but it makes the woman happy. Pregnant women can feel the enlargement of the uterus after about 12 weeks of pregnancy. In other cases, it is necessary to get prompt and proper treatment, if you want to avoid further health complications.