In some cases like pregnancy, enlargement of uterus is normal. But this uterine condition can be caused by certain medical conditions too. Read on to know more about the treatment for such condition.
Uterus is a vital part of the human reproductive system. Located in the pelvic cavity, uterus is a pear-shaped organ with a length of three inches, a width of two inches and a thickness of around an inch. This muscular organ weighs around 200 grams. These dimensions are that of an adult women and may slightly vary from one woman to another. The size of the uterus may also vary with conditions like pregnancy and menopause. Even some diseases may cause enlargement of the uterus. So, enlarged uterus treatment is decided on the basis of certain factors, including the underlying cause.
What Causes Enlargement of Uterus
As we all know pregnancy is one of the common conditions that cause enlargement of the uterus. This is to accommodate the growing fetus. Menopause is another cause for an enlarged uterus. It is said that enlargement of the uterus during the menopausal stage is due to the hormonal fluctuations that happen inside the body, at that stage. While these are normal changes in the body, in some women, the cause for enlarged uterus could be some medical condition.
One of the common causes for this uterine condition is fibroids, that are benign growths found inside the uterus. Such fibroids can be single or multiple and even the size may vary from small to large. Adenomyosis is another condition that may lead to an enlarged uterus.
In this case, the tissues of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) grows into the outer muscular layer called myometrium, causing bleeding in the myometrium. Such bleeding results in a swollen area called adenomyoma, which causes enlargement of the uterus. Cancerous growths in the uterus can also cause increase in uterine size. Uterine cancer include both endometrial and cervical cancer. Regular use of contraceptives, molar pregnancy and pelvic congestion syndrome are other factors that are said to cause an enlarged uterus.
Enlarged Uterus Symptoms
Symptoms of an enlarged uterus may not be similar in all women. They may very with the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. In case of uterine fibroids, the symptoms include a feeling of fullness and/or pain in the pelvis, heavy menstrual bleeding, pain during intercourse, constipation and frequent urination.
If enlargement of the uterus is associated with adenomyosis, then the symptoms include painful and heavy menstruation with blood clots, painful intercourse, bleeding between periods and severe menstrual cramps. Even uterine cancer may cause bleeding in between periods or after menopause. In general, an enlarged uterus may cause the following symptoms – bloating, weight gain, abdominal pain, infertility and other reproductive problems, abnormal menstruation, migraines, urinary incontinence and backache.
Treatment Options for Enlarged Uterus
Treatment for enlarged uterus is based on the underlying cause. If the cause is adenomyosis, treatment options include hysterectomy or uterus removal in older women with kids. In case of younger women, hormone therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs, are used for treating the condition. Adenomyosis is one such condition that is found to resolve, with menopause. In case of uterine fibroids too, hysterectomy is one of the enlarged uterus treatment options. Uterine fibroids can be removed surgically (myomectomy) too.
In some cases, the lining of the endometrium, along with the fibroids are removed and this process is termed endometrial ablation. In some women, the fibroids are destroyed inside the uterus, through freezing or cauterization. In some cases, the doctor may adopt a wait and watch policy, with regard to fibroids that are not causing any significant symptoms. Hysterectomy is also done in women who develop uterine cancer. The treatment for enlarged uterus caused by cancer may vary with the type and severity of the condition.
If you suffer from any of the above said symptoms, you must contact your doctor at the earliest. Even noticeable changes in pelvic size must be diagnosed. An enlarged uterus can be treated, once the underlying cause is determined.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.