Women who are worried about their waistline may greatly benefit from the fat burning exercises which may be performed at home. This article presents the best weight loss exercises to burn off those excess calories faster.
If you are working from home or stay-at-home mom, and have put on weight, you can get rid of the excess fat by forming a workout plan with the help of home exercises to burn fat. Cardiovascular exercises help lose weight faster as they are a full body workout. Also, these exercise when combined with some strength training may greatly help you maintain a well-toned body. Following are some of the exercises that women may perform at home:
Jump Rope Workout
A session of jump rope workout helps burn more calories than running. This workout is the best to perform at home. All you need is a jump rope and some clear floor space. Skipping with a jump rope in the beginning may be difficult; however, practice may improve your skipping skills and may work out for longer period. This workout of mere 12 minutes may help you burn around 200 calories.
If you have a pool in your home, then this is the best workout for you. Swimming is a great workout that utilizes all the muscles of your body. It is not just a great workout to lose weight, but it also helps tone up the muscles and improve flexibility. Half an hour session of breast-stroke swimming alone can burn around 270 calories. This exercise also boosts your metabolism, and thus helps further weight loss.
This is another excellent aerobic workout, which can be performed indoors on a treadmill, or outdoors in open space. It is always important to wear good sports shoes to prevent any injury. A running session of 20 minutes may help you burn around 90 calories.
If you want a high intensity full body workout that helps you tone up fast, then boxing is a great workout. However, you need to use the right technique and gear while boxing, otherwise you can injure yourself. Therefore, it is better to learn boxing from a professional trainer.
Step Aerobics
For this workout, all you need is a stepping platform. You can burn many calories with step aerobics; however, it may put a lot of pressure on your knees. A half an hour session may help you burn around 400 calories.
A simple and fun aerobic exercise to lose weight is dancing. In order to burn fat, a specific dance form is not required as long as you move fast.
Make sure you do a warm up session of mild jogging for 10 minutes, and then follow any of the aforementioned workouts to lose weight. Apart from exercising, follow a balanced diet to achieve faster weight loss.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.