Are your feet swollen during pregnancy? It is a very common phenomena faced by a number of women around the world. There are many home remedies which can be used to alleviate the condition.
Swelling is called edema in medical terms. Swelling during pregnancy is faced by a number of women all around the world. This condition can be seen through all the trimesters. However, it is more prevalent in the fifth month and often increases in the third trimester.
Causes of Swelling in Hands and Feet During Pregnancy
➜ During pregnancy, the body produces almost 50% more blood and body fluid so that it can meet the requirements of the fetus developing in the body. The swelling is caused by the additional blood and fluid produced by the body.
➜ The fluid that is generated is retained, because it is required to soften the body. This is helpful when the body expands as the fetus grows. This fluid is also required for the pelvic joints and tissues.
➜ It helps in opening up the pelvic joints and tissues during childbirth. Of the total weight gain during pregnancy, 25% is due to this fluid.
Some of the factors that result in swelling are:
- Standing for a long period of time at a stretch is one of the most common causes of feet swelling during pregnancy.
- Inadequate consumption of potassium too can lead to swelling.
- High intake of sodium in the diet causes water retention, which in turn leads to edema.
- High level of caffeine consumption also leads to swelling.
- Heat in summers is also one of the prime reasons for the swelling of the feet.
- Long working hours is also one of the contributing factors.
How to Reduce Swelling in Feet During Pregnancy?
There are a lot of home remedies to cure various ailments, some of which also help in reducing feet swelling. At the same time, there are a few guidelines that need to be followed as a part of prenatal care that will help your cause. Enlisted below are some remedies:
➜ The first and foremost thing to do is to avoid standing for a long period of time. Remember, it is your feet that is bearing your weight and also the weight of the fetus that is growing inside you. Therefore, the feet also need to rest.
➜ When you sleep or when you are resting, rest your legs on an incline (use a pillow or some other soft material) to prevent the flow of the fluid to your feet. If it is possible, lie down with your legs resting on an elevation in the afternoon.
➜ If you sit and work the whole day, make use of a footrest. The footrest will help in reducing the swelling of the feet.
➜ It is not advisable to wear high heels when you are pregnant. The high heels can add to your woes of swollen feet. You should increase water consumption. Drinking water is known as one of the best cures for water retention besides aiding in the detoxification of the body.
➜ During the summer season, avoid spending time outdoors. Do not wear clothes that are tight at the ankles or wrists. Use an elastic hose that will lend support to your legs. It is not advisable to use a nylon hose.
➜ If you really want to exercise, you can make use of the swimming pool. You can go swimming or you can simply rest in the pool. You can make use of a cold compress on your swollen feet during pregnancy.
➜ Ensure that your sodium intake is minimum while carrying a baby. Sodium leads to water retention hence it is advisable not to add additional salt to your meals. Avoid the consumption of junk food through all the months of pregnancy, as it usually contains a high amount of sodium.
➜ You can ask your partner to give you a foot massage. The massage will help in increasing blood circulation to your feet and also help in reducing the swelling.
If you notice swelling on only one foot, it can be due to a blood clot. In such a case, do not waste time and have yourself checked by your doctor. Usually, feet swelling is the most common pregnancy symptom, so there is nothing to be worried about. However, if you notice sudden swelling in your hands and feet, it is advisable to have yourself thoroughly examined by the obstetrician and gynecologist. Take care!
Disclaimer: This HerHaleness article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.