Nausea during pregnancy is quite common. But what is its cause, and can it be avoided? Read on to know the answers.
Feeling sick or nauseated is quite common during pregnancy, but the intensity varies in each woman. In most cases, the feeling stops after first 3 months but for some, it may persist till 4 – 5 months. It is typically a sign of morning sickness. Some may throw up in the morning but in case of others, the feeling can last throughout the day.
Though the actual causes of nausea during pregnancy are not clear, it is believed to be mainly due to the hormonal changes that the body undergoes at this time. The hormonal changes taking place in the body may lead to this feeling of sickness. Similarly, imbalance in blood sugar levels may also contribute to this.
During the initial three months, there is a rise in hormone levels. The hormone levels stop increasing after the first three months and nausea stops for most women. As mentioned above, this may not be the case in others, who suffer from this feeling throughout the nine months. The positive side is that the morning sickness is an indication that the to-be-mom’s body produces adequate amount of hormones. But, on the minus side, it causes a lot of discomfort.
Preventive Measures
- While waking up in the morning, don’t rush. Be seated on the bed for a few minutes, and get out of your bed slowly. Movements often make nausea worse. Have a little light snack soon.
- Don’t starve yourself. Have small meals at regular intervals. It is good to have at least five small meals during the day, even if you are not hungry. Also, eat foods that smell and taste good to you, and the ones which you can easily digest.
- You can keep eating healthy snacks like nuts and peanut butter which are high in proteins.
- Have fluids like water and juices frequently during the day. Intake of at least 10 – 12 glasses of water is a must, but avoid fatty drinks like milk, coffee and tea, as they are hard to digest.
- Similarly, avoid intake of spicy or fatty food items and alcohol.
- Keep your room well ventilated so that you have enough fresh air.
- If your sleep is disturbed at night, you can get up and have a light snack. So, always keep some snacks beside your bed before sleeping.
- Try to keep yourself calm and away from stress and anxiety. Don’t read or watch something that might lead to excitement or stress. If you are feeling low or worried, share your feelings with your parents, spouse or friends. Remember, you need to have a good mental health during this time.
- Don’t brush your teeth as soon as you finish eating something as this may lead to nausea.
- Take rest and do light exercises like going for a walk everyday.
Mild vomiting and nausea is common in pregnant women. But, you should consult your doctor if it becomes severe; like if you vomit more than 3 – 4 times a day or shortly after intake of any food or drink. If your vomit contains blood, you must immediately contact the doctor. You can have some medicine prescribed by your doctor; don’t take medicines without the doctor’s recommendation. Be calm and take the required care to go through the pregnancy days without any tensions and worries.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.