Motherhood is a life-altering phase in a woman’s life. To make this defining moment of your life the most treasured one, one must avoid a few dangers. If high blood pressure, one such danger, is not treated in time, it can prove to be severely detrimental.
High blood pressure is the pressure that is exerted by blood, against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps the blood out. A person is said to have this condition when his or her blood pressure count reads more than 140 mm Hg systolic (top number) or 90 mm Hg diastolic. Body weight, sensitivity to salt, excessive consumption of alcohol, frequent intake of birth control pills, sedentary lifestyle, and hereditary factors are some of the reasons for the occurrence of blood pressure problems.
High blood pressure among pregnant women is a cause of serious concern. Women who already have this condition are prone to its complications during the pregnancy. However, some expecting mothers may also develop this condition during pregnancy.
This condition can have major and minor consequences. There is a high risk of kidney damage, if the woman is suffering from high blood pressure while carrying a baby. In a serious case, the mother may suffer from preeclampsia or toxemia of pregnancy, which can be dreadful for both, the mother and the fetus.
Preeclampsia begins in the 20th week as a result of high blood pressure. It affects the kidneys and results in discharge of protein content in mother’s urine, which is called proteinuria. The condition can also affect the brain, placenta, and liver. According to a study, seizures caused by preeclampsia is the second leading disorder causing maternal death. Regular headaches, hazy, and photosensitive vision are some of the symptoms that indicate preeclampsia.
So far, no concrete cure has been determined to treat preeclampsia. Delivering the baby is the only way out.. Preeclampsia also affects the fetus. It may cause fetal complications such as low birth weight, stillbirth and premature delivery. The chances of undergoing gestational preeclampsia is another flip side of having high blood pressure. It can also lead to hypertension, coronary diseases, strokes, and heart failures later in life.
Plan your pregnancy before having a baby to avert any medical conditions. Take medical opinions about your health to be sure that your blood pressure is normal and under control. Monitoring the blood pressure on regular basis can be a great help to control it better. Avoid any kind of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco before, during, and after pregnancy to have a healthy and a fit body. This is a positive step towards experiencing a healthy pregnancy. There are cases wherein pregnant women with high blood pressures have had successful deliveries. With regular prenatal help, the complications during pregnancies can be avoided.
Having a baby is a defining moment of a woman’s life. Every change in her body affects her baby in every way. To avoid the dangers of high blood pressure, timely care is required. That is why they say prevention is better than cure. After all its her chance to create a life and bring that bundle of joy waiting to see the wonder called life.