Do you sit in front of the computer for a major part of the day causing you to ruin your eyesight? There are ways with which you can improve your eyesight naturally. Some of the natural vision improvement methods, apart from an appropriate diet, are a few eye exercises. The following article provides information about the same.
There are a number of reasons why we have eye problems. Whatever be the reason, it would be more prudent to focus on how to improve your vision naturally. To preserve your eyesight it is important to maintain a healthy diet and get 7-9 hours of sleep. The fastest way to improve the eyesight is to perform some eye exercises, which will strengthen the eye muscles.
Eye Exercises
Exercising your eyes strengthens the ocular muscles. This allows your eyes to move and adjust its vision quickly. At the same time, it helps in adjusting the vision in both eyes in unison. There are many eye exercises which when performed regularly, improve your vision. Following are some of the best eye exercises.
The first eye exercise is to focus your vision on an object, which is at a distance, for at least 30 seconds. You may simply look at a tree, a house, or a person, by sitting at your window. This exercise helps because most of us always look at objects close to us, and become used to focusing on close by objects. It ultimately results in bad distance vision or myopia.
After the distance-focusing exercise, keep changing your focus from the distant object to an object which is placed close by. Perform this exercise a couple of times. Initially you may feel a strain on your eyes, but this is a very good exercise which helps the eyes in the long run.
The next exercise is similar to the one mentioned above. Keep a finger in front of your face, at a little distance away from your nose. Focus on the finger for some time and then look at an object which is at a distance. When you perform this, you will be able to notice how changing focus helps in vision correction.
The next exercise will actually seem to be an exercise for your neck. However, it serves dual purpose. It exercises your neck, and at the same time, increases blood circulation to your head and eyes. It is the simplest eyesight improvement exercise. Nod your head as though you were saying yes and look at the ceiling and then at your toes.
The next exercise is to rotate your eyeball to the right and then to the left, without moving your neck. Perform this slowly for about 10 repetitions. If your feel giddy, it means you were doing it fast. So, stop immediately and start again after a break and do it slowly the next time. Then change over to move your eyeballs up and down. Remember not to move your neck. The last of the rotation exercises is to rotate your eyeballs clockwise and anticlockwise.
Foods to Naturally Improve Eyesight
Before we turn towards the kind of food that help in naturally improving your eyesight, we should learn about the nutrients which help you to naturally enhance your vision:
- Vitamin E: To protect the retina and to slow down the macular degeneration process, it is necessary that your diet be rich in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant.
- Vitamin C: In conjunction with vitamin E, vitamin C works to protect the tissues and also helps in improving eyesight.
- Zinc: To strengthen the cells of the eyes, increase the consumption of zinc in your diet.
- Fish Oil: Macular degeneration and other eye problems can be cured by consumption of fish oils.
Food which help in eyesight improvement are banana, apple, papaya, bilberry fruit, citrus fruits, strawberry, and all bright-colored fruits. Consumption of leafy green vegetables, carrots, broccoli, and chili peppers also help in improving the eyesight naturally. Oyster, fish, eggs, liver, red meat, etc., are also known to help in natural eyesight improvement.
You will have to make certain changes in your diet, so that you nourish and condition your eyes well. The exercises will also help in natural vision improvement. Remember, eye care is important and not something that should be ignored even at the slightest discomfort.