Dehydration is said to occur due to excessive fluid loss, which happens when the fluid loss is much higher than the fluid intake. This write-up provides information on how this condition can be prevented and treated.
Every human being has 75% of water in his or her body, which is necessary for proper functioning of the body. Normally, we lose water everyday while breathing, urinating, excreting, and sweating. We drink water or fluids to substitute this loss of water from the body. An individual is said to be affected by dehydration, when the water lost is not replaced, and when the body lacks the required amount of water for a long time.
This condition can be caused due to diarrhea, excessive vomiting, and sweating, as a great amount of water is lost due to these conditions. Prolonged exposure to sun and high fever could also be the contributing factors. Diabetes has also been reported to be the cause of this problem.
Treatment and Remedies
For treatment to begin, it is important to diagnose dehydration in its early stages. The symptoms that might be experienced by a person who is dehydrated include:
- Dry mouth
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Increased thirst
- Decreased urine output
- Dark yellow urine
- Decreased sweat production
- Confusion
Dehydration can be mild, moderate, or severe.
If a person has mild symptoms, then following certain home remedies can help provide relief.
- The affected individual should lie down in a cool room, preferably in a place with an air conditioner.
- He/she should be given water, broth, and fluids that contain electrolytes (Gatorade, Powerade, Pedialyte, Kaolectrolyte, etc.) in small quantities, between regular intervals. These replacement fluids are more effective than plain water and help in rehydrating the person.
- The patient should be kept on a light diet of liquids and fruits until all the symptoms have resolved.
- The consumption of tea, caffeinated drinks, and soda should be avoided.
If a person has moderate symptoms, the aforementioned remedies can be followed. However, if the symptoms persist for a long time, it is better to consult a physician. In severe cases, wherein the patient is not able to drink water, intravenous administration of fluids is recommended. The doctor would also check if the underlying cause of dehydration is a medical condition.
As dehydration is something that can affect people of all age groups, it is necessary that everyone should take some precautions to avoid getting dehydrated. One should drink adequate amounts of water daily. The fluid intake should be increased, if one is performing strenuous physical activities, and also while going out in the sun. In severe cases, a delay in treatment can even prove to be fatal.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.