Stop smoking injection contains drugs that block nicotine receptors of the brain that help in reducing the desire to smoke. Some of the side effects are confusion, dizziness, problem during urination and hallucination. Go through the article to know more about these shots.
We all know tobacco contains nicotine and other toxic substances that are harmful to health. Though everyone of us is aware about the negative effects of tobacco, cessation of smoking or other forms of tobacco intake is easier said than done. Chemically, nicotine is highly addictive, which after constant use leaves a powerful impact on the brain, mind and body. Medical researches reveal that nicotine is similar to other addictive drugs in manipulating the brain’s activity. Hence, even if a person takes effort to quit smoking, it is really difficult to change the habit.
Different Ways to Quit Smoking
According to statistics, more than 5 million people die every year due to tobacco-related health complications. Considering the life-threatening effects of smoking, scientific studies are being carried out in order to find the effective methods for smoking cessation. In recent times, several ways to stop smoking like medications, acupuncture, nicotine replacement therapy and herbal remedies are suggested, which help a heavy smoker in abstaining from the habit of smoking. Current researches are ongoing all over the world to find the effective and safe ways to quit smoking.
Quit Smoking Shots
One of the new interventions implicated in medical science to quit smoking is vaccine or injection. The injection to quit smoking contains anti-cholinergic drugs that act as a controlling factor for the neural activity of the brain. In other words, the drugs present in the injection inhibit the nicotine receptors of the brain. Eventually, the nicotine sensitive areas of the brain cannot recognize nicotine, thus reduce the cravings of cigarette smoking.
The shot is delivered as a medical therapy under the supervision of a qualified physician. Prior to delivering the injections, the concerned physician examines the current health condition of the smoker. If it is the right treatment option for the smoker, then only the physician administers the vaccine. Depending upon the reactions and/or improvement of the person after the first shot, the physician will recommend the further sessions.
In some cases, one injection is effective for the treatment of the condition. However for some smokers, follow-up sessions are necessary to cure the addiction. In order to abstain from smoking successfully, counseling and group therapies are recommended along with injections to quit smoking. The success rate of the injection is claimed to be about 70-80 percent.
Side Effects
As of now, the drugs used in these injections are not fully understood. They are identified while using for other medical applications like anesthetics. The possible side effects are dizziness, dry mouth, confusion and problem in urination. These injections if used for prolonged duration and/or high doses may cause hallucinations and heart problems.
Injections to quit smoking are generally not recommended for pregnant women and those having heart diseases. On the safer note, it is recommended to gather information about the pros and cons of these injections before opting for this treatment method. One can also seek advice from a qualified physician, so as to determine whether taking stop smoking injections will be the right decision for smoking cessation or not.