Macular degeneration is a degenerative disease of the eye. This WellnessKeen article helps you learn a few preventive measures in order to keep this eye disease at bay.
Macular degeneration is an age related condition in which, there is loss of vision in the central field of the person’s eye due to some damage to the retina. This is one of the leading causes of visual impairment in adults, and when there is macular degeneration, it becomes almost impossible to recognize faces, as the central vision is lost. However, since this condition does not have a complete cure and the damage that occurs in this condition is almost irreversible, it is best to opt for certain preventive measures that will aid in avoiding the onset of this disease.
Eat Right Foods
Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants can help to prevent this disease. Although this has not been conclusively proven yet, it is said that foods rich in antioxidants, like vitamin A, C, and E help delay the onset of macular degeneration due to their antioxidant properties. Thus, it is important for a person to have a diet that is rich in green leafy vegetables, as it is said that lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids help in preventing the symptoms of this degenerative disease. For obtaining adequate amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acids, one should eat fish. Zinc is a mineral that is considered to be helpful in preventing the onset of the symptoms of this disease.
Quit Smoking and Drinking
Smoking and drinking can easily aggravate the condition of the person suffering from macular degeneration. Thus, if a person is a chronic smoker or drinker, it is best to quit the habit immediately. Furthermore, maintaining a diet that is high in vitamins and low in cholesterol, will ensure that the health of the person is in pristine condition. Furthermore, regular exercising can also help prevent the onset of this degenerative disease.
Keep a Check on Other Diseases
It is important to keep a check on the other diseases that a person may be suffering from. If a person is suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes, then this increases the chances of contracting other opportunistic diseases and puts him at a greater risk of developing complications that lead to eye problems.
Get a Regular Eye Check-up
This point cannot be stressed on enough. It is of paramount importance that a person regularly gets his eyes checked so as to ensure that they are functioning properly. This is important because initially, during the onset of macular degeneration, the symptoms are not so severe so as to prompt a person into visiting an ophthalmologist to get his eyes checked. Hence, it is best to regularly visit the doctor so that the disease can be identified at the earliest.
Use Preventive Supplements
There are certain supplements that help prevent the onset of this condition. These supplements are mostly multi-vitamin tablets, which may or may not contain trace amounts of zinc. However, it is best to obtain such nutrients from natural sources like green leafy vegetables and fish. Even eating carrots, which is rich in beta carotene, can help prevent this disease.
These were the various preventive measures that can help delay, and possibly eliminate the onset of this debilitating eye disease. All said and done, with a little bit of eye care and some healthy changes in the lifestyle, one can easily prevent the onset of this disease.