As the name rightly suggests, maternity acupressure is specially meant for pregnant women, and is said to be helpful in overcoming problems associated with pregnancy.
Most of us have heard about acupressure, which is a type of complimentary medicine, and is derived from acupuncture. While needles are used for healing in acupuncture, acupressure is all about pressure. In case of acupuncture, needles are inserted into specific points (acupuncture points) on the body, for healing purposes. Whereas in acupressure, pressure is exerted on acupuncture points with hand or other devices. As the name rightly suggests, acupressure is a combination of acupuncture and pressure.
What is Maternity Acupressure?
As mentioned above, acupressure uses pressure on acupuncture points, for healing. It is commonly used for problems, like headaches, eyestrain, muscle pain, sinus problems, back pain, tension, etc. It is also used to relieve menstrual pain, pain from ulcers, and constipation. There are some acupressure techniques that are specially meant for pregnant women. Such techniques are collectively known as maternity acupressure. Various techniques are practiced at different stages of pregnancy.
While some of the techniques are meant for relief from morning sickness, some others are used for inducing labor. Acupressure techniques are also used to provide relief from depression and stress during pregnancy. However, use of acupressure techniques during pregnancy must be with extreme care and caution, as stimulation of some pressure points may result in uterine contractions.
Even the use of essential oils during acupressure sessions, must be avoided in case of pregnant women. It will be better to get the consent of your doctor, before trying maternity acupressure. It is also very important to get it done from a person qualified for practicing such acupressure techniques.
Maternity Acupressure Points
It is claimed that, nausea and vomiting experienced by pregnant women, can be relieved through a special acupressure technique. This maternity acupressure method uses the pressure point on the wrist called inner gate or P6. Acupressure is also used for inducing labor. The use of maternity acupressure to induce labor is a much-debated topic. However, it is an age-old practice in some Asian countries. This is done by stimulating some specific pressure points on the body, to induce uterine contractions and dilation of the cervix, thereby speeding up childbirth.
There are three main pressure points that are used for inducing labor. One such point is located above the ankle bone, in each leg. Keep the fingers horizontally, above the ankle bone, so that the little (pinkie) finger lies over the bone. The acupressure point lies just below your index finger. This point is used for cervix dilation. Another pressure point is located above the dimple of the buttocks, on each side of the body.
If you make an imaginary line that starts little above the dimple of the buttocks, and ends at the spine, the pressure point lies midway. There is one more pressure point that is used for this purpose, and that is located on the webbing between the thumb and the forefinger. These points are stimulated with gentle pressure, for a specific duration. Some of these acupressure techniques are meant for labor pain management too. These methods must be practiced by an expert, who knows the purpose and duration of stimulation of the acupressure points, especially in pregnant women.
Maternity acupressure is claimed to be beneficial, as medications can be avoided, if these techniques are found to be useful in preventing nausea or stress. Even a C-section can be avoided in some cases, with the help of the right acupressure technique to induce labor. If you are interested in these methods, get the consent of your doctor, before approaching a qualified person, who is an expert in maternity acupressure techniques.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.