Vitamins are essential to fulfill certain health requirements for women. Apart from the regular diet, taking multivitamin supplements, in prescribed dosage, will help combat and resolve deficiency…
The food we eat is supposed to be full of essential nutrients and vitamins. At times in spite of eating a healthy diet, the body does not get the required amount of nutrients. Some of these nutrients tend to get depleted in the process of cleaning and cooking. So we need some vitamin supplements to fulfill the nutrient and vitamin requirement of our body.
Every woman tends to undergo some hormonal changes in her body, that can create certain deficiencies which may lead to vitamin deficiency diseases. Hence to restore the loss of nutrients, multivitamins must be taken with the diet. These supplements are believed to fulfill the daily recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of nutrients.
Multivitamins for women come in many forms like capsules, liquids, tablets and gel caps etc. Liquid multivitamins have a mixture of vitamins and minerals or a mixture of vitamin B complex, vitamin K and vitamin C. These liquid vitamin supplements are very effective as they are directly absorbed in the blood stream. Supplements of vitamins for women are classified according to their age, daily requirements and health conditions.
- Along with food, vitamin supplements are also essential to ensure proper nourishment of the body. Multivitamins for young women in their 20s contain vitamins that help in the body’s functioning. Vitamin A is needed to maintain a healthy immune system, build strong bones and healthy vision. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant that fights against free radicals and prevent infections and diseases. It also enhances the growth of healthy hair, skin, as well as nails Vitamin K is also required to maintain a healthy balance of hemoglobin and to help in the clotting of blood. Vitamin D helps reduce the symptoms of PMS. Vita-Female is one of the natural multivitamins as it contains all the essential minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the body. GNC WELLbeING is another supplement that suffice the body’s requirement.
- Apart from the daily diet, pregnant women need to have a regular intake of nutritional supplements for the proper development of the baby. Along with vitamin supplements, folic acid is along prescribed to prevent any birth defects. Expectant and lactating women should take multivitamins like Century Prenatal, GNC Prenatal and Stuart Prenatal. Some other multivitamins for pregnant women are One a Day Women’s Formula, Nature Made for Her and Centrum A to Z.
- As the body grows older, it tends to fall victim to a number of deficiencies, owing to lack of proper nutrient intake. Older women, especially over 50, must fulfill their dietary requirements. This is where multivitamins come handy. These supplements, which replenish the vitamins lost by the body due to menopause, also contain calcium and magnesium to help fight the diseases that come with old age. There are also some anti-aging vitamins that help stall the signs of aging. Some names are GNC Women’s Ultra Mega 50 Plus, Multi For Her 50+, One A Day’s Women’s 50+ Advantage Formula and Puritan’s Pride High Potency Ultra Woman 50 Plus etc.
- When a woman reaches menopause, her body undergoes a number of changes, owing to hormonal fluctuations. There are a number of signs, like mood swings, hot flashes, depression, irritability, etc. exhibited by the body Women in their menopausal phase can take multivitamins like Centrum Silver and One-a-Day Menopause Formula, that are rich in calcium, vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. GNC Women’s Ultra Mega 50 Plus maintains cardiac health and the level of estrogen in the body.
Side Effects of Multivitamins
Multivitamins for women are beneficial as they offer many health benefits and replenish the body. Anything taken in the recommended quantity can ensure an illness-free and healthy body. But an overdose of multivitamins can result in the following side effects;
- Side effects of taking multivitamin supplements are diarrhea, a feeling of queasiness in the stomach and constipation. Multivitamins can also cause certain allergic reactions like hives and itchiness in women who show intolerance to some minerals and vitamins. In severe cases, some women also experience a swollen face and limbs, pain in the chest while breathing etc.
- An overdose of vitamins like vitamin B12 and minerals like iron, zinc and calcium can lead to the accumulation of these nutrients in the blood stream. This can also cause serious complications like increased urination, bleeding in the stomach, palpitations of the heart, and stains in the teeth.
- Over-consumption of vitamins A, K, E and D can be life-threatening. The symptoms of the overdose are severe headache, unexplained loss of weight, changes in menstruation, and intense back pain, especially in the lower back.
- If you are on other medication for blood pressure, like ibuprofen, tretinoin etc., they may react to the multivitamin supplements. Before taking multivitamins, make it a point to consult your doctor who may recommend a proper dosage.
- Some other side effects include sleep related disorders, foul or metallic taste in mouth and a mild headache, which may also become intense, in the absence of timely medical intervention.
When buying a multivitamin supplement, one must go through reviews, the date of manufacture, benefits of the multivitamin and effects and precautionary measures to be taken. Multivitamins must be taken as prescribed by the physician to avoid any side effects. You must also remember to take your multivitamins with breakfast or after lunch. Take care!